Democratic Clown Car Debate #1b

Night number two of the first set of Democratic party debates.

Where Warren was the only big name on the stage last night, tonight we got Biden and Bernie, along with Kamala Harris, and Mayor Pete. Then a bunch of sub 1%'ers.

I feel like Bernie is going to do something dumb out of desperation, as he sees his status slowly melt away as follows go to Warren, who carries the progressive banner just as high, but with more policy competence.

Biden is probably just gonna try to avoid blowing his lead, but i could see him don’t something dumb because he’s super old.

I’m interested to see how Harris and Pete do… Both have a capacity to handle themselves very well, but I’ve never seen either in a debate, much less a packed stage like this one. Pete’s good at listening and giving answers, not so much when it comes to shouting over others. Harris can be pretty aggressive.

Got wildcard Yang, too.

Oh god. That’s a hell of a drinking game.

Bernie with an extremely distracting red, white, & blue refraction thing going on with his glasses.

People trying to jump in already

Biden not really answering his question at all.

I honestly have no idea who Bennet is.

But he and Gillibrand are right in how we have to transition into M4A, not just declare it.

Pete gives a solid answer.

Swallwell kind of jumps on, but doesn’t actually add anything.

Yang talks about using a VAT to pay for his UBI… But that seems misguided, as it’d usually be a somewhat regressive tax.

Nobody is passing you a torch, Swalwell.

I guess the rule is, if you mention another candidate, they get to respond. Biden is going to take advantage of that for more speaking time.

Holy cow… great zinger from Harris!

Gillibrand needs to shut up, and Harris just shut everyone up by being an adult with a snappy line.

There’s a lady on the far left and i have no idea who she is.

Gillibrand and Bernie are exactly right on this healthcare issue.

This debate is going well for Pete.

Literally every time Pete is in front of a mic, it goes well for him. He’s awesome.

Biden is strong, too. On his game.

Sanders is doing ok… Gillibrand has basically just annoyed the crowd at this point, so the rest is going to go badly for her. Swalwell doesn’t have much to say. I actually kind of like swalwell, but not as a presidential candidate.

Who is this this Williamson person? She sounds like some essential oils nut.

Self-help book author.