Dems 2019: Dem Hard With A Vengeance

Scott Walker forgets, that parents are taking care of all the needs of the 5th grader.

I’d be fine with paying 70% tax rate if all my needs were taken care of. :)

Man, I cannot get over how much it doesn’t suck to have a Democrat in office who isn’t terrified of Democratic policy. Sucks that she’s just a junior Congresswoman at the moment, but we’ll get there.

Yeah, that interview with Rick Perlstein linked earlier really resonated with me. In a lot of ways, it really does feel to me like Democrats have been almost scared of their own best policies. I feel like they ceded the ground on words like “liberal” becoming a dirty word. Instead, they’ve been tying themselves into knots trying to explain how they really aren’t liberal, honest!

To be fair, the milquetoast politics of failure from Clinton’s DLC really weren’t liberal.

Man, that stuff just ruins everything, huh?

You voted for Nader in 2000, didn’t you.

Heh. I did, but foolishly. Was my first election (and MN was plenty safe anyway). I’d vote Gore if it were today, even in a solidly blue state.

Never heard of her until this week, but I read this today:

Is she the one that is anti gay and pro Assad?

Interesting. The DSCC would like Sherrod Brown to remain right where he is for the time being, though.

I’m suspicious of the phrase “has ties.” That can mean anything the author wants it to mean. Obama “had ties” to Saul Alinsky. People “have ties” to their distant cousins’ ex-schoolmates.

Yep, sounds like he’s running.

Everyone into the pool!!

Yep, that’s Tulsi Gabbard

Can anyone articulate why Tulsi Gabbard is a darling of the left?
It seems like she wouldn’t be?

I don’t think she is?

She isn’t the darling of the left… Maybe some fringe folks. But some Bernie folks like her because she was the first to join Bernie.