DERPSPACE: Encounter at Regula O.S.S. |OT| A bold new space game by Gordon Cameron

All gaming journalism should be as well-researched as this. Nice work.

I can vouch for this, I read it on the blockchain.
I don’t have the transaction reference right now but it’s easy to search for.

I’d like to throw my helmet into the ring for composer. Here’s a track I did that is suggestive of my work. I’m happy to write all new music of course. This track is called ‘Beacon’.

Beacon: First light at Regula

Nice! I was expecting a joke track but I actually liked this.

Note: I have terrible taste in music, take my praise for what it is worth. :D

There’s no way my internal PC speaker will be able to reproduce this. I’ll have to toggle on the chip tunes soundtrack.

Great track! If these guys say no I’ll be in touch.

Never saw that video before, seriously can DERPSPACE get any better?

Every. Time. this thread is bumped I think it’s been released. Dammit.

I can assure you my licensing fees would be much less lol. I can easily deliver something in the “style” though.

I think Gordon should contact Trent Reznor to do the soundtrack like Quake. IMO. His music is slightly better.

Are we getting an end of 2020 update? :)

I would if I weren’t under an NDA.

I’m under a DNR order.

Dang, son, you been derpin’ gators outta season?

At the end of 2020, we would like to thank our backers for their unflagging patience. This has been a challenging year, most especially for people who stay inside all day with their computers and have no social lives.

Have no fears - development of DERPSPACE™ is going strong! While the roadmap has not itself been updated in 2020, the roadmap of roadmaps has been. This means that we anticipate several more roadmaps will be added to the roadmap of roadmaps by the end of Q4 2021. Except, of course, DERSPACE™ roadmaps are actually starmaps, because if you build a road in space, you just get a lot of bits of asphalt floating around.

The starmap of starmaps for DERPSPACE™ includes a number of innovations. For instance, we’ve added a plan to make a plan to conceptualize imagining a system that would allow players to interact with the DERPSPACE™ universe in ways that can only be described as immersive, visually stunning, and visceral.

Additionally, a great deal of effort has been put into deepening the coffee system. As you may recall, one of the main attractions of DERSPACE™ has always been the player’s ability to drink coffee while flying their spaceship. But how does coffee behave? What are the physics of coffee? Will the convection of air around the surface of the coffee be accurately modeled, and will it take into account the zero-G environment, the relativistic velocity of the spacecraft, and the proximity of any large gravity wells such as red supergiants or neutron stars? We know the demanding fans of DERPSPACE ™ will accept nothing less than total accuracy in the steam rising off their delicious coffee as they chart a bold course through the vast reaches of the cosmos.

We at DERPSPACE™ are absolutely committed to getting these details exactly right. To that end, we sent an email to a theoretical physicist in October, and anticipate a response at any time. The delay has been fortuitous, in fact, as it has allowed us more time to watch some Udemy videos about how to program computers to do stuff.

Oh man, we all know @Telefrog is now going to double his backer pledge now. :D

Wallet threat level: MAGMA!

Don’t forget the “visceral.” We want the DERPSPACE™ player to feel that they are literally immersed in viscera at all times.

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