Diablo 3 - Meh, W00t or Bah?

I hate Diablo because when it first came out it was one of the first Win95 only games and my mom totally wouldn’t let me upgrade her computer so I could run it and I was all ‘but moooooom’ and she was like ‘no way!’ and I was all ‘SOUR GRAPES!’ and have carried with me a totally unfair and undeserved hatred of Diablo ever since.


Meh… After totally playing Titan Quest till my eyes bled, I dont have much excitement for this game, or any other action rpger going forward…


P.S. - I hold the right to withdraw this statement any time after playing D3.

No, I’m with Rob, the gameplay vid also got me interested in it, and I’m not much of a fan of the genre.

That’s… that’s pretty sexy.

Me likey the wizard. And the witch doctor. (pass on the Barbarian, thanks.)

How can anyone not be excited about Diablo III. holy shit. The wizard has a LAZER, and you know what that means, don’t you?

Blizzard says: The problem with Diablo 2’s skill system is that it really focused people into 2 or 3 main skills.
So immunities were imbalancing.
The focus on the new system is to target six skills, and not 2 or 3.
Immunities will be toned down.
Classes do not have ‘roles’ like an MMO would. All classes are DPS classes.
There’s hell, nightmare, normal modes (but we knew this already)

Shoop da woop?

Very, very excited about D3. I’ve gotten more gaming enjoyment per dollar out of Diablo 2 than any other game I’ve ever played. I could fire it up tonight and still enjoy it.

Lots of cool stuff in the new trailer. The lightning bolt in particular caught my eye. Also, I noticed that the wizard jumped at one point near the end. I wonder what that was.

This wasn’t a problem at release. I remember having a sorc with maxed frost orb, some points in the mastery, points in static charge, and still enough left for a big fire spell (I don’t think flame wall, maybe meteor?). It was the stupid synergies and exponential instead of diminishing returns that forced everyone to put the majority of their points in one tree.

Immunities and using skills that you didn’t have at max damage was fun sometimes though. I hope they don’t nerf that too hard.

What exactly looks better about it than the first two? Looked pretty much the same with better graphics to me.

So it looks like the biggest announcement with the gameplay system is the implementation of ‘runes’ which are nothing like the runes in D2. These runes are sort of like equipment, but you equip them onto your skills. There’s different kinds of runes, which have different effects, and they come in different tiers. 5 appears to be the highest tier for runes.

These runes modify your skills. For instance, a lightning bolt might arc 2 times on a tier 2 rune, or 3 times on a tier 3 rune. Likewise, a different rune might cause the lightning bolt to do more damage instead of arcing.

D2 was fantastic. One of the best games of all time, IMO. So hell yes, I’m excited.

That’s the start of the teleport power. There are some shorter videos on the D3 site showcasing each power, and it’s clear there. Kind of silly, if you ask me, but the rest looks great.

Is that the network play will not be good. Now, it used to be fine at my last house when I played in 2001-2002. But now, I kick off a battlenet game, and I lag like crazy, making it impossible to play HC.

I hope they have some new network code built up so the game plays well. Every other multiplayer game I have works great, but diablo II is unpossible (and it makes me sad, as all my friends are playing it!)

I don’t get excited about Blizzard games until they are less than a year from release. So, maybe in 2010 I’ll begin to be excited.

I’m sure I’ll pick it up, but right now I’m in the “meh” camp. What really made the previous games great for me was co-op LAN play. Unfortunately, in the eight(!) years since D2 first came out, Real Life has sundered my old LAN-party crew (i.e., moved away, got married, too busy for games, etc.). Online just isn’t the same; and as a single-player game I find Diablo tedious.

I’m a tad concerned about the time that will be required for farming. As I recall, in D2 to get a decent set without trading you had to literally run bosses hundreds of times.

Does anyone know if there will be any sort of trading area (like the GTS of Pokemon)? And will we be able to transfer items between characters?

You have different expectations from a sequel? Or even from a game in the same genre from the same company?

Somebody said they hated Diablo I and II but were looking forward to Diablo III.
