Diablo III

Hey friends, question. I’m in adventure mode on the Switch and I’m supposed to “destroy triune monuments” but for the life of me I can’t figure out how. When I try to interact with them I just use that skill instead, and my attacks don’t seem to do a damned thing. Anyone have any help please?

I think you just hit X and wait for an action bar to expire (about 5 seconds or so). You don’t actually attack it.

Gosh I’m not seeing any action bar at all. I’ll give that a shot. Thank you.

OH GOD THERE IS. It was hidden by the health bars of my Necromancer’s skeletons. Thank you!

So today I took a little break from the Necromancer to try all the other classes and my goodness they’re just not as fun are they? I mean the Necromancer starts off right away with that really fun bone blade attack and I’m still using it dozens of levels later.

That reminds me that I still need to play through the game one more time. I bought the Necromancer expansion, but I never played through as a Necro.

Yeah, the Necromancer is great. But don’t overlook the Witch Doctor. I had the most fun with those two classes. I think the Necromancer just provides a lot of instant gratification where you need to be higher levels with other classes to really see what they can do.

That’s fair. I need to play more witch doctor. That jar full of spiders is amazing.

I had the most fun with Necro, you can get some really amazing builds going on them, and they are pretty interesting mechanically.

I like the Monk the most

I enjoy the Necro but I think a lot of the classes are super fun. You just have to find the kind of skill set you enjoy. For me, I like builds that incorporate a lot of movement like a leap based barbarian.

man, i just cannot stand the witch doctor, and i had to check to see if i even have a necro (I do). I think my favorite is demon hunter and monk.

I’d still be playing this if season ending wasn’t so annoying - my chests are all full, and my ocd means I get stressed over throwing away or losing good items.

I just love how many enemies the Necro can take down at once nearly from jump.

It is hard to pick a favorite for me. They all have some really fun builds especially once you are max level and running rifts.

I had a ton of fun with the Crusader and Monk as well. I think the only class I haven’t tried is the Barbarian and my least favorite was the Sorcerer, but I didn’t play that one past level 40, I think.

Yeah same here, I love all of them! :)

But if I had to rank, I’d probably have Witch Doctor and Necro down the list, and Crusader on top!

But the game doesn’t even start until you get to 70…

Anyone picking this back up for the new Season 27?

Haven’t played in a year or so but I picked up Diablo 2 in a sale recently and everything about it just bummed me out, but also made me want to play 3 again.

Going with Barbarian to start which I have always enjoyed but haven’t played in forever.

I started a new wiz, got to about 10, and remembered how mind numbingly boring leveling a character is in D3 lol. D3 is pretty fun once you get your character to be reasonably functional, but it really puts me to sleep trying to get there.

I’ll probably keep going back until I grind my way to 70, but I’ve been having fun in POE again which makes it tough to find the motivation.

raises hand

I haven’t played in several seasons, but I’m back on the grind. Got a Wiz in softcore, and I’ll probably roll a Barb or a DH in hardcore. I’m usually good for 10 days of playing in a season.

There are whole channels dedicated to power-levelling. Takes about 10 minutes, and you have a level 70. Course you won’t have much gear, but if you do the challenge rift you’ll have plenty of gold and mats to craft the basic 70 stuff to get started.