Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

Yes, that’s true, but if I’m understanding what I’ve seen correctly, you could get a normal Shako, a sacred Shako, or an Ancestral Shako, with the only difference being the ranges on the affixes.

I like the aspect system and how it allows you to better-manage build-defining gear. I also like that there are items you will want to keep even though they are significantly below the item level of other gear you are finding. I think both of those things are really good design.

My concern is that if there are no new affixes or aspects or uniques that appear only on ancestral items, then the endgame loot will literally only be better numbers. It would be more fun if it opened up new stuff. In the early levels, this is true, with certain affixes only appearing on higher-level gear.

Well, it is just that (an isometric game). I just spend about 200 (game)dollars on clothing in (single player!) Red Dead Redemption 2, so I definitely care how my character looks (as long as I don’t have to pay real money for it, that is). But in a game like Diablo, where you see your character from afar at best… no thanks!

I see what you are worried about though. Hope it doesn’t end up that way, for your sake!

Well, again, the concern is that they’ll push artists to build content to sell, rather than include it in the game for free. That’s what happened in Elder Scrolls Online, which does not use an isometric camera, and it’s why my character still wears an innkeeper costume and only has a couple of mounts many years in. Cosmetics available without paying real money are few and far between.

I agree that in an isometric game I don’t really care, though. If dickholes buying $28 shirts pay for frequent content additions and continued investment in the stuff I do care about, I’m cool. Imagine if Diablo 4 was as popular and successful as Genshin Impact, with the same level of investment into the game, but all real money stuff remained completely cosmetic. That would be fucking amazing.

There would be consequences to only allowing affixes and legendary powers on gear of a certain tier or quality. You wouldn’t balance them as intrinsically more powerful than the tier 1/2 stuff for obvious reasons, so you’d need to look to utility, quality of life, or horizontal progression. And actually as I continue writing this paragraph I’ve become convinced that would be a good idea and I think they’ll probably do it, just not at release.

My kiddo is at home waiting patiently for 4pm. I hate games because I hate that I love to play them and then have to spend extra to play them early. My wife and I just went on a hard core budget but luckily it started June 1st a few days AFTER I bought the deluxe edition. Phew.

I know that the leaderboards and the drive to high levels is a big thing, but the official partnership between Blizzard and Diablobuilds.com with a Race to World First (get to level 100 the fastest) kind of leaves me soured. I’ve never been a fan of speed, because I will seek out every nook & cranny of the world even if it does little to improve levelling. But, there’s the info for you in case you’re interested in that sort of thing.

Ha! I can relate. I’m doing the same here (for 20:00). Well, not so patiently, actually. It’s been a rough week, with a local state of emergency, evacuations, and good people in harms way to protect lives and property, and it’d be nice to be able to deflate for a bit.

I love cosmetics but $28 for an outfit is pretty steep. How much do other games charge? Blizz charges $20 for a full transmog outfit in WoW. I think Final Fantasy cosmetics cost a bit more?

Two hours left and I still haven’t decided what I’m going to start with. Either Sorc or Necro. The Necro preview outfits looked really good, so I might just do Necro just for the theme and looks.

It is a full outfit, I was just being flippant.

Bone necro here for sure. Doesn’t mean it’ll be my main forever, just the first one I level. Subsequent ones go much faster so you want it to be smooth.

If there’s a psychological force more powerful than paying for early access from marketing hype and fomo, it’s that gamers love a good discount :)

Battle.Net made me re-authenticate and then started an update (day one patch I guess). It looms.

I think they just deem you untrustworthy…

Quite possibly. I don’t blame them, either.

I, too, am untrustworthy. Solidarność.

For the PC players out there with a 40xx card, new drivers are available that adds DLSS3 to D4, so if you want a boost to quality, it might be something to check out.

Although, I suppose if you got a 40xx card, you’re someone who keeps an eye on driver updates for new games anyway.

Play button just went live for me.

And I’m in.

I’m behind as I didn’t preload as I had to clean out space on my PS5. Whole half hour late I will be. Noooo

consoles don’t get to go live early either way, you aren’t missing as much

What a shock.


Let the queueing begin! And the ‘invalid license’ and other random errors as well apparently. Fun times!

I’ve been at “<1 minute” for about ten minutes now.

Yep, @stusser called it. Server issues. First thing was that it was telling me I didn’t have a valid license on the PS5. That’s just a ‘server isn’t ready’ message, apparently, so now waiting in a short queue for the third time (2-4 minutes each time). Ah well.