Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

Sent a request too. Haven’t really played any multiplayer since my World of Warcraft guild went bust a bunch of years ago. Could be fun!

You know, I’m kind of in the “screw cosmetics” mood. My rogue isn’t the best dressed, nothing fancy at level 26, but she doesn’t look bad and I’ve no one to impress. I kind of like this random look based on whatever I put on, without even using a transmog or changing colours.

Oh, sure, I’m likely to come upon some really cool looking gear at some point and will want it, but I’m quite happy without it, too. Bodes well for wallet.

Having said that, would be great to see your characters and how you’ve geared them up. Share!

How does the content scaling work for multiplayer? If a friend and I are not the same level or on different quest steps, will the game scale the difficulty and drops for each of us? If so, how far apart can we be? I don’t want either of us to carry the other, but I doubt our schedules will let us meet up all the time. I’m hoping we can just have the person furthest back on quests invite the other and it’s equally challenging and rewarding for both of us.

I guess whichever monster you are attacking or is attacking you is scaled to your level no matter if your friend is with you or over a ways from you. Gear, drops, everything is scaled. You could be hitting them at level 30 and your friend is hitting them at level 15 and you are both essentially doing the same damage as they are scaled to your level…more or less. Same with loot, scaled to your level.

I hate the scaling but it is what it is.

Man, barbs are fucking terrible. What was I thinking.

Guess, I will, um, never liberate Malrok since it will always be my level. Great thinking Blizz.

Heartseeker with extra ricochet is my new favorite thing. Boingy boingy boingy.

Yeah they suck compared to D3. Not keen on Rogue either. Loved Monk in D3 and was hoping Rogue might be similar.

I have settled on a Sorcerer for now

Does every single dungeon have an associated quest that will eventually send you there? I keep clearing a dungeon I find, then later have to go back for a random side quest and do it again. A little annoying since some of these feel quite large.

Up to level 10 on Necromancer and am quite enjoying it. Just playing on level 1 for now while exploring things.

Clan is up and running and I’ve promoted a number of people to officer who can also handle requests. I’ve just been accepting everyone so far but if it gets too big we may want to verify that people are actually forumites or related instead of accepting everyone.

Hi Everyone, I requested to join. In game I am Abelard#1150

This kept happening to me in the beta and I decided it would be a general room of thumb to not hit a dungeon unless someone sends me there first. There are so many!

I got in to the Clan, TANSTAAFL#something is the b.net name I think.

My Sorc got to 22 before I called it a night today. Not going super fast; for one thing, ARPGs, which I love, hurt my hands a lot. I started in T2, dropped it to T1 for one dungeon, then went back to T2. Big limitation is mana. As long as mana is there I can melt face, but Chain Lightning is mana hungry for sure.

I found an absolutely awesome skill combo: Twisting Blades then a Caltrops. As the enemy slowly moves towards me through the Caltrops (which I’ve boosted with ice damage), the blades spin back to me through the entire mob. Man, that’s fun watching them explode. I love my Rogue. Boss battles are little bit more trouble, though, died a couple times fighting the Blood Bishop until I grabbed a 15% shadow reduction elixir to help out and stopped running around so much and went full offensive on him. So, that’s now three deaths through level 30 on Veteran.

I’ve now met Donan and I’m hoping I can activate the mount somehow before sidebarring into taking care of some strongholds in the first area. I noticed one stronghold keeps scaling up to be 2 levels higher than I am. Guess that’s to make it tougher.

finally got my mount. yay

These loading screen tips seem like they provide some critical gameplay information about core mechanics.

Pity I haven’t been able to read a single one.

Humble brag? :)

I was doing fine with my fire sorceress until I got to Vhenard, where she died twice. I thought about switching to a new class but instead I respecced into cold and paid to put an aspect onto some gear and made it past vhenard on the 1st try. I dont know if one of those changes was the key or just more practice, but the ice build is going well for me.

24 hour in report:
Made characters at 7pm eastern
Started play at 11pm eastern
Quit play at 2am eastern with act 1 complete, level 16.
Played most of today. Got to 35, Act 3 complete, Horse acquired.
Paid the $6.99 for 800 credits and got an extra horse for free.
Joined Q23.
Passed a kidney stone peacefully (2nd this week, scan showed 3. first was NOT peaceful)
Figured out you can have max 20 side quests. Hate that
Twisting Blades Rogue is ok. Definitely not an EASY play style. Needs a lot of forethought.
I’ve died roughly 8 times. 4 of those were on the 2nd boss at Veteran level. World tier 1 seems pretty easy.

I think you buried the lede here, pal!

I can’t parse this sentence, how is it free?