Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

It is feeling a tad pigeon like, you know, flying round the room shitting on everything then disappearing for a while then rinse and repeat.

It is totally fine to dislike games even hate them but i’ve generally found it easier to move on and forget about them especially in the short term.

This is not the impression you’ve left, to be honest.

That’s your problem not mine. It’s always safe to assume I have no agenda other than wanting to enjoy a game. I’m not boycotting Blizzard, or pushing PoE or Grim Dawn or Ark. I want D4 to be amazing, ideally before the first expansion pack, and find its gameplay severely lacking in everything that isn’t an initial impression while doing the campaign at release-- and many people are coming to agreement as they hit the endgame.

To be clear, right now to me D4 is around a 7.5 out of 10 game on a real 1-10 scale. Good, not great. If all the cinematics and story were cut, if the graphics were trash, if the world was smaller like D3, it would be a 4/10.

I’m having a great time with it. Ran around in Act I last night with my Bear smashing stuff right and left, opening up the map, revealing cool locations. I’ve played 5 hours or so and having a great time…will take my time and just enjoy it for what it is.

It also amplifies cold damage by a lot if you invest points. Rapid shot embued with cold will just melt elites if they are standing in the caltrops. Extremely gratifying.

I’ll stick with bow awhile more until the skills are maxed and then I’ll switch to melee and shadow. From there to poison and then on to a new character. I’m loving the aspects. Early on I got a bow that made rapid shot bounce to different targets. Gives rapid fire the spread of barrage. I was able to extract it and add it back to a new bow.

Can you upgrade a legendary with a second aspect?

I agree that the online WoW stuff with the blue exclamation quests is a facepalm, but other than that I’m finding the gameplay to be pretty much the same as the other Diablos. White to blue to yellow to legendary. Slow start with skills but then synergies combine for screen explodey goodness.

I started by focusing on the main quest and avoiding the dungeons, but now I’m finding that they are the best part of the game. Classic Diablo gameplay in abundant quantity. Good graphics too.

So I guess my guy went and saw Predator last night.

It depends which class you picked (ie, anything other than a rogue) and how far in you got. And maybe you don’t mind the forced builder/spender gameplay. Personally I don’t like being forced to use 3-4 low-damage builders for resources and a CC in order to cast my big spender-- and even following online YouTube guides from dudes wearing hoodies, I’m still using that builder skill frequently, because my class (well, bone damage) is based upon attacking at full resource, so I screw myself when I don’t do it even if I have the resources to cast my big spender. Which, to be clear, I usually don’t.

Contrast that with the rogue, where its builder skill actually massively buffs its spender through the combo points mechanic. That is strong design. Sure the builder is still low damage in of itself, but the button doesn’t feel bad to press. It does something substantial other than just generating resources.

Also once you get further in but not actually endgame, you hit legendary restrictions where you simply don’t have the materials to change up your build because you need to grind up unneeded legendaries to do it and they’re few and far between before endgame. This feels bad-- leveling <50 should be a smorgasbord of rapid death and destruction. Like every other ARPG! Slow me down in the endgame, force me to pay attention to all the intricate systems in the endgame, sure. Not when I’m level 30 in act 1.

No, 1 aspect per item.

I think this has been your problem from the get go.

I am using the Caltrops eapecialization where it also chills enemies with some probability and then some items add cold damage with the pretty great combined effect of slowed, chilled and frozen enemies. And since I also lay poison traps it all works really well. I feel like I am playing an infinity engine game like Baldurs Gate or Icewind Dale and throwing web and uhh that dark cloud spell.

I am about to reach the part where I can imbue weapons then this tactic should get more effective.

I think you can’t. I may be wrong. Not reading online guides keep my gaming experience fresh but I also don’t know basic things at times. I just found out reading up thread that dungeon found aspects can be used any number of times. I had one for rogue and was agonizing over when to use it. There is another Act1 dungeon showing up which gives a rogue aspect that makes the flurry skill work in a circle around the character. I’ll likely always have that active on at least one of the items if I can reuse it.

So…much…lag tonight. Even the final cutscenes were practically unwatchable.

I think Raxx underestimated the need for resource gen in this game when he made the early builds. You should be using the cold mages with the essence generation and the blizzard aspect to really make bone spear spammable (and then finding the right rhythm to cast it at to keep above 100 essence). I mean, you could have a simpler game where you just get to spam bone spear and then consume a mana potion to get your resources back, but is that really a better system than having a variety of ways to generate resource and having to find the right mix to make it work?

This was a little surprising, yeah. There’s like a specific window in the 35-45 range where you don’t have enough leggos to be grinding them up and you are getting items with high enough power to require the legendary salvage mats. I ended up digging up an older ring to put the recharging aspect on because it would only cost me 1 mat instead of 2 (because it was just below 500 IP).

But again, rather than being annoyed at every system that you didn’t expect and plan for, you could instead learn those systems and see how the game plays once you understand them better. All the previous Diablos had stuff we didn’t understand during the first week that people got better at over time. Recognizing the affixes is an example of this.

There was maintenance going on for a couple hours ending about 30 minutes ago. If anyone was experiencing issues, that might have been the cause.

I hit level 50 and a used a couple of those Paragon points so far. I am not going to figure out an optimum strategy to use 'em, though. I don’t have time for that when all I want to do is play the game. I’ll make the best choices I can with the information I have and see how it goes.

And after not dying for a very long time, I had a death to a respawned quest boss that I had just defeated when another player launched the battle. I just wasn’t paying attention. Ugh. Then another death as I was about to finish up the Temple of Rot stronghold; I timed my potions thinking the end was nigh but the boss had a second life.

I just switched up to WT3 and surprised that I’m not face-planting all my boss fights. All my legendary synergies are starting to come together, and everything fighting me is almost always frozen, vulnerable or both (usually both). Now it’s just a matter of maxing out my quests and strongholds while looking out for better loot.

I feel like I understand the systems pretty well, for the necro anyway. I did try cold mages, compared to corpse explosion and spamming my builder that didn’t seem to move the needle and I’d lose a ton of damage reduction in exchange.

What I haven’t tried is completely different necro builds, but I have no way to get the legendaries to make those builds work. So it’s a catch-22, keep leveling as a spec I hate until they drop or I dunno, bitch about it a lot on the internet.

But what if someone likes some aspects of a game while running into others that aren’t working for them? Seems like a valid thing to talk about and discuss just as much as posting about what people are enjoying.

Seems though that some people are too critical and post too often about the negative aspects of specific games. It’s a game, not brain surgery. If you like it, cool, if you don’t , cool. But reading negative things over and over gets old at times when looking for cool gameplay posts.

I dunno. I’ve played games for 40 years and if there is a negative for me I don’t post about it, I just deal with it. If it affects my enjoyment too much I don’t play it.

How does renown for dungeons work? Is it per character or per account? And how do you tell which ones you have credit for? I see a yellow check on a dungeon I did today but not on dungeons the same character did yesterday.

That’s what kept me from buying it.