Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

It’s an acknowledgement of how long queue times feel. :)

Regarding my beta playtime, I didn’t care much for the game so the stats likely aren’t very interesting. I haven’t seen an email and I can’t be bothered to go hunt it down.

I never got an email…

Yeah, I played for a whopping 6hrs (feels like it was probably closer to 4, tho), got to 20 and bailed.


Don’t think I died at all.

I enjoyed the game a great deal but saw no point in continuing to play when all progress would be lost. If not for the incentives I would have played for about an hour just to check it out then quit.

My brother didn’t know his characters would be wiped so he played a bunch and got pissed off about it. I explained this was customary and expected but that logical argument didn’t quite work out the way I had hoped.

Sanctuary extends its deepest gratitude to you for committing over 27 hours to completing 81 story quests and slaying 24,907 monsters during testing. The local denizens greatly appreciate the sacrifices made to keep them safe, earning you 2,050 Renown while in the Fractured Peaks.

This may be a time of great pain for Sanctuary, but you still made impressive gains and collected 396,250 gold while adventuring. Whether locating missing villagers or tracking down Lilith’s unruly worshipers, little excuse was needed to send you underground to conquer 53 dungeons. Protecting an entire realm is no walk in the dark, however, you kept the Necromancers in business by dying 26 times.

27hrs is inflated with Q times but it was fun. Played all characters to at least 20 and died a ton to the world boss.

Same - I got a character to level 22, and one to 16 - Didn’t get a single mail followup, nor on the wolf cubs.

I didn’t get any thing either, and after a bit of research, some people said it was probably because I had news and offer emails turn off in my battlenet account.

Now, I’ll never know how many monsters I killed.

Thanks all. I feel seen.

Sanctuary extends its deepest gratitude to you for committing over 60 hours to completing 121 story quests and slaying 28,474 monsters during testing. The local denizens greatly appreciate the sacrifices made to keep them safe, earning you 2,623 Renown while in the Fractured Peaks.

This may be a time of great pain for Sanctuary, but you still made impressive gains and collected 681,520 gold while adventuring. Whether locating missing villagers or tracking down Lilith’s unruly worshipers, little excuse was needed to send you underground to conquer 53 dungeons. Protecting an entire realm is no walk in the dark, however, you kept the Necromancers in business by dying 26 times.

So why not release it now? Are they waiting to press uncountable millions of little beads of plastic into discs and then ship them across the globe? C’mon.

“Gone gold” has zero meaning.

You need to leave time for the “day 0 patch”.

Even back in the 90’s games would go gold and take a good 6 weeks before they’d come out, and it was bothersome than as well. But yes, they are pressing discs and getting global distribution in place, which takes a bit of time.

Look, we can be upset the game went gold and we still have to wait 6 weeks to play it, or since we can’t play it right now, we can accept that the deveopers are not taking a 6 week sabatical but are instead working on issues they couldn’t get fixed before the game had to get pressed into discs and sent to Gamestop and Amazon. I for one am glad for the day 0 patch, in any game.

Yes, that was the point that I made! Everybody downloads games. Gone gold is meaningless.

The problem is this statement is fully wrong. If it were up to me, yes. But copies of this game will be sitting in Walmart. You’ve got console kiddies that need to buy this now, as well.

According to the ERB, 90% of console gamers downloaded their games in 2022. PC gamers I imagine is vanishingly close to 100%.

Not sure what to tell you. This is the reality - we wait for discs to get pressed and we wait for all the people that don’t digitally buy their games to be able to walk into a store or order from Amazon so everyone has it when they have it.

Also, marketing - they will want to push marketing for a month or more, get ads on TV and in front of movies in theaters. This can’t be your first time at this rodeo, you know how this all works.

They could have started that marketing in March.

Point is, the game isn’t done. It isn’t ready to be released. “Gone gold” has no meaning. They’re melting plastic to press into circles for maybe 7% of their launch customers. So who gives a shit? We shouldn’t talk about games “going gold”.