Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

Okay, so I guess I didn’t mean to set you off or whatever. I’ll delete my post, it doesn’t matter to me on any level - I just thought I’d share that tweet from the Diablo twitter about the game going gold. Sheesh.

Sorry-- I didn’t mean for you to do that! Was just annoyed by their marketing bullshit.

Well maybe go yell at them then.

Hey, I’m just glad they’re actually doing a disc version for D4.

They didn’t do that Diablo 2: Resurrected. Even on console, you could only buy it as a download.

Though I do notice that the cover for the Xbox and PS4 and PS5 version now says “Internet Required”. So it’s not like Diablo 3 that you could play offline on Xbox and PS and Switch.

I’m more of a forum troll than a twitter troll!


Sure, ha. Fair enough.

To me I guess the thing I always liked about games as announced gold was their scheduled release dates were going to be met. No last minute delays or things like that.

Nuts. Give the rest of us a chance to read your posts, Scott. :)

I didn’t get a cool stats email, either, and I’d also disabled most communications. That setting backfires every now and then, apparently.

Okay, restored.

if anyone has any critisms of Blizzard’s tweet, please direct them to either https://twitter.com/Blizzard_Ent or @GoFuckYourself. Just don’t @ me, I haven’t worked for Blizzard’s marketing department for infinity years.


Looks like I’ve got 50 days to figure out my video card situation.

I had no idea you ever had, sorry if you felt like I was attacking you specifically.

I had no idea that you were!

No, sorry, I am joking - infinity as in never have I, I have never had nor currently have anything to do with Blizzard, so I can’t really influence them to explain why they would use such a term like Going Gold.

I did not feel attacked, you’re good. Golden, even.

Oh, good, OK. Group hug!

whispers at Stusser Everspace 2, Everspace 2

I have a breathing exercise for the group to engage your parasympathetic nervous systems as well. Cheers!

(meant in the most light-hearted way possible)

Count me in the camp where I don’t care too much about this “delay”. I hope they use it well in terms of the coding side of things. I was still experiencing significant stuttering in Beta 2.

Edit: Oops, I thought it was the Everspace 2 thread. Ahem, I meant, how about that Diablo IV going gold folks?

Can we get this thread back on track and resume trying to get rogue/assassin/whatever permanently renamed to ‘stabber’, please. Thank you.

I don’t see why they aren’t Demon Hunters.

See, in Diablo 3 they decided to rename necromancers to witch doctors. Same gameplay, different theme. Not popular.

Same thing in D4, DHs renamed to rogues. But demon hunters had a much cooler class fantasy.

Then they brought back Necromancers, and they sucked.

I’m pretty sure you can only buy D4 as a download. You may be able to get an almost useless piece of plastic as well, but you’re not going to be able to play it without patching it and being connected.