Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

Besides cut scenes what else is there to skip?

NPC quest dialog.

I mean, that might be skipped as well - all I said was enjoy the cutscenes while you can - I donā€™t have any extra inforamtion. The man says campaign is skipped; so Iā€™m going to assume EVERYTHING with the campaign is skipped. No reason to assume anything less, eh?

But also, I guess to me NPC Dialog is also a cutscene? I dunno - Iā€™m just sharing the tweet - folks can read more into it if they like! Free country and such!

I read pizzaddict as saying he wants to skip the campaign entirely and not have to complete it one time. But ā€œat least you can skip through the cutscenesā€ on his one time through doing something he doesnā€™t want to do.

You asked what else there is to skip, I was just trying to answer your question. :)

Oh, I see what you (and he) are saying. He doesnā€™t want to have to play the campaign at all - well, thatā€™s fair. Most of the time the story in these games is pretty forgettable, and the Diablo 4 beta has a LOOOOT of cutscenes.

I canā€™t (at the moment) think of anything that wasnā€™t skippable though; I remember playing the first few hours with four of the classes and at least those early hours you can skip anything, even NPC dialog, Iā€™m pretty sure (but not positive).

Yep, the quest NPC dialog can be skipped. You still have to walk up to them, interact with them, and bring up the dialog at which point you can hold B on the gamepad to skip. Not a big deal at all but itā€™s something I could do without only because Iā€™m sick of the ā€œchase the punctuation markā€ gameplay since WoW in 2004.

It wonā€™t be something that bothers me if I only have to do it once. I play these games to beat up demons, I just donā€™t care what these NPCs have to say.

D4 is unusually narrative-heavy, yeah. Very much so, unlike any other ARPG Iā€™ve ever played. This was a HUGE plus for me, but I can see it turning off people who just want to grind monsters.

That said the campaign isnā€™t going to be long, skip cutscenes and get through it once then you never have to do it again.

Yep, it seems like a solid approach. Lots of glorious Blizzard cutscenes and a world inhabited with NPCs for those that enjoy that. And if you donā€™t, you only have to do it once. Iā€™m really glad they retained that lesson from Diablo 3 expansion when they added Adventure Mode.

The campaigns in these games do a decent job of acclimating you to the game world, teaching you different skills and things like crafting, and making sure you have a basic understanding of how things work before going off and grinding dungeons or whatever.

I played the D3 campaign once, and never again I think. But I definitely liked going through it that one time. Or maybe two, itā€™s been a while.

Right, Iā€™d just prefer never to have to play a campaign and go through cut scenes/npc dialog, etc. Itā€™s not why I play these type of games and just distracts from me killing and looting. With that said, only being forced to play 1 time through isnā€™t the end of the world and honestly, the cut scenes that we saw in the beta were really well done. Iā€™d much rather have those and not have to go through all the NPC stuff though.

I played it at launch when it was the only option and that was really a lot of play throughs for me for each character. Eventually they created the endless/adventure mode that was the way to level up and play with random quests/objectives, but us early adopters had to play it all over again with each new character.

Same here. At least Diablo 3 was the first one to add class-specific cutscenes. And even gender specific voice work for those cutscenes.

Those were dark days, my friend. Dark days.

I wouldnā€™t mind a good story, although itā€™s definitely not why Iā€™m playing, but Blizzard is godawful at them.

I am hoping I can just be given a max level fully skilled character. Maybe all the different classes as well, with a few free armour and weapons sets, say legendary so I can get to the end game and play something else, hereā€™s hoping.

Wait a week then ask someone in here to powerlevel you.

Yeah - I do wonder how much of that you end up having to do to get renown each season. I was already annoyed by it on my second character in the first two betas.

So much this. They did better in the past when theyā€™d just quote Aliens and such pretty much verbatim in lieu of writing their own stuff. D3 was some of the worst writing Iā€™d experienced in a game, at least until one of those WoW expansions I played (or was that before D3?).

The cutscenes do still look cool though but theyā€™ve lost their edge there too, IMO.

Donā€™t really have high hopes for D4ā€™s story either, really, so Iā€™m pleased thereā€™s a skip option. Guess I donā€™t mind going thru it once, tho.

As I was one of those early adopters, I no doubt did exactly the same. Iā€™ve tried to block out those memories of the first horrible year of D3 though.