Diablo IV - A Return To Darkness

According to the link:

During this final beta weekend, players will max out at level 20 instead of 25, designed as an extra challenge for when they confront the world boss, Ashava, who will award all who defeat her during the server slam with an exclusive cosmetic mount in the full game.

It would be great if they’d offer more chances for Ashava in this beta. With the timings the last two weekends, it didn’t give a lot of opportunity to ramp up a character and be part of a team that was well-rounded and high enough level that could manage it. I remember my first attempt, I think at level 19, with others that were as low as level 13-14 with some at 25. A good reason for the inability to kill it that time. The second attempt worked better with more of us at level 25, even if the character builds weren’t optimal for the strike.

That means our old characters from earlier betas won’t be available. No way in hell I’m leveling another ephemeral character.

I did Sorceress and Necro in the last two. I might try Barbarian this time.

The rewards suck
Cap at 20 sucks

Still gonna play. Just on one toon tho. It’s Zelda weekend.

Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy: earned by defeating Ashava with one Level 20 character.

I suppose it’s the large horn looking thing in this video. Not really that cute, I guess.

Looks like a special order from Bad Dragon (ifykyk). I’ll pass. I think? Depends how bored I am.

How’s this game with a controller instead of mouse/keyboard? I played last beta on m+k, I think I’ll give it a shot with controller instead. Normally I think controller is a downgrade in precision, but perhaps the implementation in D4 is good? Is there a class that is most suited to using a controller?

As much as I love m+k for most things, having more time to play because I avoid wrist strain by using a different modality may be worth it, especially for a game where you put in a ton of hours.

Played entirely to level 20 with controller on PC it was fine.

It works really well, IMO. I find navigating the menus is a bit of a pain with it, but in combat with both a Sorc and a Druid it felt great (and honestly, it’s pretty good in D2R also, which I wouldn’t have expected). It’s one of the reasons people are clamoring for WASD movement: using the joystick to move makes it much easier to keep mobile when surrounded by mobs, even compared to a version that separates move from attacks. Targeting specific mobs with your attacks is a little more annoying, so I imagine that it’s worse for some akin to the necro curses in D2? Not sure if any D4 abilities work that way, though.

Ah, my wish came true. Ashava spawns every three hours this time. From the email about the Server Slam:

Do we know who is invited to this part of the beta? Is it just the pre-order people or does it include those that got those special invites from KFC and the like? Not concerned other than the latter would mean more impact on the server load.

It is everyone! I think there is literally no requirement other than maybe that you have to make a battenet account.

You are correct!

I’m not sure. I didn’t try the earlier betas, but since I have some time that weekend I decided to give it a try. However, I see no option to download the Server Slam. Only option available on Battlenet is pre-order (which I’m not going to do).

If you have the blizzard installer thing, I think you will be able to download it a bit closer to the date. Last time it wasn’t until earlier the week it started that the download became available. The option for the beta build should show up above the play/install button (I haven’t checked if it’s still there for me, since I left it installed)

Ok, that might be it, I’ll wait a while and see if it shows up!

The announcement right there says downloads start May 10.

It does indeed. Somehow I did read ‘you don’t have to wait until May 12 to download’, but stopped reading right after that… Doh…

Confirmed - beating the campaign once allows you to skip it for future runs with new characters. Enjoy those cutscenes; they won’t wear out their welcome, it seems.

Close enough I guess, I’d rather just skip it entirely but at least you can skip through all the cut scenes.