Disney Buys LucasFilm

Who knows how solid this is but…

Following news that Disney has bought the rights to the lucrative sci-fi franchise and plans to make at least three more movies, industry insiders say the evil Vader will grace the big screen again.

“He’s an integral part of the franchise. Replacing him is virtually impossible,” explains a film mole.

“The plan is for him to return and play a significant role in the new films.”

Darth Vader was never killed. That was only a decoy Vader. A man paid off by the real Darth Vader to avoid a paternity suit.

Sounds like a GRRM plot device, Quasius.

<Knight from The Last Crusade>

You have chosen…poorly.

Midichlorids don’t burn, and he had an unusually high concentration of them that had already survived a planet made out of magma. It’ll take more than a backwoods funeral pyre to stop this sumbitch.

Please let that be anything but a possibility.

The Daily Express, no named source. You are all stupid and I hate you.

Any of you guys read SW:EU books? Because the Emperor comes back like, once every 6 months. Why not Vader?

Because it’s stupid and terrible?
Because no one cares about the books?
Because this is our chance at good Star Wars movies?
Did I mention it’s inane and terrible?
Because they already brought back the Death Star?
Because he already came back after a fashion in the Prequels?
If you are going to reuse one character, why not just remake the Orig…argh…gahargblarhlegle.

Only 2.5 more years of silly rumors like this. Remember the one about N-Sync being in Episode 1?

Most likely, yeah. But my point was that this sort of thing isn’t exactly new, especially in a fantastical universe.

Give me a SW movie with decent writing, characters I enjoy watching on the screen, a story that makes sense and I won’t really care if they magic up some Darth Vader clone.

They should just reboot the franchise ala the Abrams Star Trek.

Not to stomp on anyone’s childhood, but I’m hoping for some updated stuff. Vader was the villain for a generation, but that quilted suit of his was looking positively dated by the time they made the last movie. Plus, James Earl Jones is like 85, isn’t he?

For the second three movies they made everything shiny. Me, I’m more the Battlestar Galactica: Blood And Chrome type. Let’s see either the future where everything is being rebuilt (or reconquered) after the fall of the emperor, more frontier-style, maybe. Something desperate that needs to be responded to to. I could see the original cast being worked in somehow, with the main fight being carried by a newer generation.

I’m not the world’s biggest Star Wars fanboi, but I liked the first two movies a lot. I’d rather get back to that obviously darker, more desperate feel. Star Wars isn’t a happy universe, no matter how many teddy bears you make dance.

Technically some of them are extras in the background of the colosseum battle in Attack of the Clones.

Worst idea ever.

Nsync were filmed for AOTC, but were cut, because the internet is mean.

Only if by that you mean make a Star Wars movie in a completely different timeline that has nothing to do with the Skywalkers. Actually, I think that would be the best idea, but I don’t expect that we’ll get it until after episodes VII, VIII and IX.

Hey guys, how about a new The Godfather movie?

Of course they will, sooner or later.

Because, money.

They have to wait until Mark Hamill is old enough to play Ancient Timeloop Altering Luke for the Abrams-style reboot.