Disney's Jungle Cruise - The Rock Continues His Ascent

I think the main problem with Jungle Cruise is that it’s a kiddie movie that doesn’t know how (or care?) to appeal to adults.


Which could be said about Pirates of the Caribbean, too, but what Pirates had that Jungle Cruise doesn’t is Johnny Depp, who brought an edge to his character, to Disney’s famous chagrin (see the anecdote about Michael Eisner personally dictating how many gold teeth Depp was allowed to have).

Watched this last night with the family. I was entertained. Does everything make sense? No. Does anything make sense? Probably not. Is the CGI not great? Yes. But whatever. The Rock making stupid Jungle Cruise jokes and some nice set-pieces stolen from various Tomb Raider levels and Indiana Jones movies made for a good time.

I guess people mostly hated it, but it delivered exactly what it promised. I’m not sure what more you could expect or ask!

In any case, I bet it’s better than Indiana Jones 5 is going to be.

Thank you, I agree with everything you said.

I just finished it, and honestly it was entertaining. It was ridiculously cheesy, but I went in with a super-low expectations and enjoyed it for what it was; a lighthearted kids movie. Being a fan of dad jokes and puns didn’t hurt matters, either.

Good grief, I was so bored while watching this. There was hardly a thing in this movie that didn’t feel entirely formulaic and generic. Void of any creativity. Act I & II are trying hard to recreate the magic of Pirates of the Caribbean, and Act III is just a repeat of Indiana Jones 3, nazi villain included. (I know, I know, WW1 and thus technically not a nazi, but give me a break.)

Pretty much every storybeat plays out exactly as you’d expect, and I found pretty much every action setpiece was highly unimaginative. The humor and the banter between Johnson’s and Blunt’s characters felt forced. Also, while I think Johnson is a likeable fella with a limited range. Within that range he’s good, but once he steps out of it… phew. He can bring decent bro and buddy cop energy to the table, but I always find any romantic scenes with him as cringeworthy as an episode of The Office. There’s never that chemistry there that could make it work.

It’s fitting that the movie ended with Blunt’s character making a corny pun - meant to be a reference to the skipper making corny puns earlier in the movie. In a scene in which her character was not present. Don’t remember it being a consistent character trait of his otherwise.

Lastly, everything felt utterly artificial. It’s clear that many parts of the movie where shot in a studio and the environment was digitally added. The actors often are unnaturally evenly lit - which becomes more pronounced, the darker a scene is. The post work didn’t do it much favors either and it was even more apparent in the third act. And thus, I never really felt a sense of space for anything.

I would not be the least bit surprised if Dwayne Johnson revealed that he’s gay. I’m racking my brain trying to remember if he’s ever been part of a convincing romantic pair, and nothing comes to mind. Even when they tried to set up a “will they or won’t they?” sexual tension in Hobbes and Shaw with cute little Vanessa Kirby, it had all the heat of day-old toast. They were obviously having a lot of fun with other, but strictly in a brother/sister way (ironic, given Statham was supposed to be her brother). What have been The Rock’s great onscreen romances?

Also, ha ha, you saw Jungle Cruise.


I think he was pretty flirty with the giant crab in his role as Maui. I’d say that one.

He had a pretty hot and heavy relationship with the BFG in Doom.

Isn’t it always like that with these big muscle-packed guys? Did Dolph Lundgren have good on-screen chemistry with anyone? Did Schwazzeneger? Actually maybe Arnold did in Kindergarten Cop with that teacher, I’ll have to re-watch it to make sure.

I thought he did okaaaaay in Jumanji where he was supposed to be a nerd with no self-confidence trying to woo Karen Gillan. I mean, they didn’t exactly set the world on fire, but he was fine.

What about Baywatch? It’s R-rated, and it’s Baywatch. Surely, he cast the People’s Eyebrow on a titty somewhere in there?

He didn’t. Though Penelope Ann Miller is so luminous in that movie that she almost compensates for Arnold’s lack of chemistry. Almost.

I know you’re thinking of a romantic relationship but I felt Arnold and Edward had a great on screen chemistry [edit: Terminator 2].

Oh, Arnold can definitely do non-romantic chemistry. In Kindergarten Cop, he was pretty awesome with Pamela Reed, and he actually played a cool dad to Alyssa Milano in Commando, in a way that it feels genuine often enough. I think he did well enough playing opposite to Linda Hamilton in Terminator: Dark Fate, even.

But yeah, romantic chemistry isn’t his forte, and that’s alright.

You could be right. One of the best roles I have ever seen Johnson play was as a gay bodyguard in Get Shorty.

Not that it’s never happened, but Johnson coming out as gay would probably be a big shock to his wife, ex-wife, and three kids.

Finally decided to watch this movie with my kids.

It’s was a below average. Emily Blunt was great and so was most of the supporting cast.

The Rock however was the Rock and was an absolutely terrible fit for this movie. While his acting is mediocre as always, his physical appearance doesn’t make sense for the type of swashbuckler/charming rogue role he’s playing.

Always doesn’t help that I rewatched The Mummy (starring Brendon Fraser) recently.

The Rock has proven several times that he is terrible as a romantic lead.