Doctor Who: The Capaldi thread

At what point did the Doctor decide the emoji-bot race name was Vardi/Vardy? It seems like he just pulled the name out of the blue (I know the real life reason for the name, just not the in-show reason)

I missed that too.

Presumably he knew their name from human history (which he’s an extensively read/experienced expert on), as the humans at the beginning were calling them that as well, IIRC.

Really loving the new season thus far. Bill is fabulous, Capaldi continues to cement himself as my favorite Doctor since Eccleston, the music’s still great, the scifi’s still goofily lovable, and there’s just enough mysterious goings-on that I’m intrigued. Hoping that Moffat doesn’t blow that last bit up in his usual fashion.

Goddamn I’m sad we’re losing Capaldi :(

Same. He’s been tremendous, although I have to confess that I’m really curious how he’ll go out.

With an electric guitar in hand, I’d imagine.

I totally missed that they were referred to by their name at the start of the episode, so that answers that. Thanks!

Have you not watched Doctor Who since the 70s or something? :P Since the Davies/Moffat era practically every episode features the doctor skitting down a corridor, pulling the companion along behind him, as they run from a space monsters. It’s basically Scooby Doo.

I’m fairly certain they’ve even done that Scooby Doo gag of showing a hallway full of doors and the doctor and monster go in and out of random ones until they collide.

I liked the 3rd episode way more than the 2nd. Capaldi with top hat is best Capaldi .

“We’re fighting the suits!” Hahaha.

Given up on this show after 40 years, despite liking Capaldi. Maybe give it another show with a new showrunner, but prob not.

That was a pretty terrible episode. I like a sci-fi critique of capitalism as much as the next guy, maybe more, but the scheme made zero sense even from the bosses’ perspective. Compare it to Moon, which handled a similar concept vastly better.

Yep, was really bad.

I agree it was a pretty weak episode and it felt like the writers kind of mailed this one in. Not the worst I’ve seen, but not good or even up to par. That said, the “fighting suits” line did make me chuckle.

edit - I’d say my main complaint with both this episode and the last one (Knock, Knock) was how fast things got resolved with a smidge of exposition at the end. “There will be a rebellion in X years” … okay. It didn’t seem like there was any emotional investment. Even Bill seemed to say as much in Knock, Knock when Capaldi left with a “Better luck next time” quip. They just felt unsatisfying.

Tough crowd. I thought it was a decent episode. Better than the last two, actually. Good banter, fun story idea. I don’t expect rigorous sci-fi from Dr. Who, I’m not sure how many episodes would pass muster.

No, but I do like it to make a modicum of sense, and I don’t think this had all that much going for it beyond the premise. You can ignore the plot holes with something like Blink or The Silence In The Library which have solid drama going on. But when it’s something like this or Kill The Moon, there’s nothing to fall back on and the silliness distracts too much.

I don’t see how it’s worse than most other Dr. Who episode concepts. Maybe sending a retrieval ship is prohibitively expensive? Maybe it’s part of a coverup? I don’t get what’s so terrible about this episode (Kill the Moon and the forest one from Capaldi’s first year are way worse.) Regardless, it’s better than killer christmas trees and sonic screwdriver magic over the years.

No comments on last weeks Extremis episode? The freaking POPE even made a cameo appearance.

I really liked it and it pretty much sets up the rest of the season. It is so good to have Missy back, and you know its gonna turn out amazing to watch Her and the Doctor do whatever he plans on doing.

I enjoyed it a lot, actually. Much better than the suits in space, from my perspective. And I agree - looks like an interesting time is coming.

And they followed up the awesome episode with 2 of the worst episodes of the season, the stupid pyramid episode, and the doctor on a boat.


I did freak out a bit when Bill shot him.
Also Michelle Gomez seems to be totally wasted so far this year. :(