Dom2 email games starting?

Wow, someone stole Steve’s computer? That sucks.

21.5 hours for the last turn. Pull hearty lads, we can overtake the
O’Boston scoundrels yet!

I just bought the game and once I get a trial run through it against the AI, I’d love to take part in the next multiplayer excursion.

Another 2-3 weeks and there will probably be enough people eliminated form the current games to form a King of the Losers tournament.

Wait, is this the trash-talking thread? I get so confused.

“Wow, someone stole Steve’s computer? That sucks.”

Yeah, my work computer. Someone got a master key and made off with a dozen laptops. Totally ruined my email.

"I’m a little nervous about the giants growing too strong on their spoils of war. "

How can you say that about your friendly giant neighbors to the west? Especially after you send in the army to end all armies. You’ve got something like 2500 gold worth of uber commanders alone. I hope you are coming to finish off Pythium, and not make war on your steadfast friends :D

Carthage must be destroyed, Rob. Take no prisoners. Leave no stone standing on another.

My game started on Nov. 24th, and we’re on turn 26 = 2.0 days/turn

Rob’s game started on Nov. 29th, and we’re on turn 27 = 1.7 days/turn

Kevin Perry’s game started on Dec. 2nd and we’re on turn 20 = 2.2 days/turn

Carnifex’s game started on Dec. 30th and we’re on turn 9 = 1.8 days/turn

My online (server) game started on Dec. 6th and we’re on turn 21 = 1.9 days/turn.

The average of all these is 1.9 days/turn. I think that with a bunch of adults with jobs (and families for some), that’s a pretty good pace. If you figure a game is about 60 turns long, that’s 120 days for a full game, or about four months - not bad. Turns will probably take longer at the end, but there will be fewer people taking them. Many people will probably be out by turn 40, or ten weeks into the game.

I’m looking forward to seeing the battle report for this turn. In an emulation of Faramir, my pretender opened the gates and ran out with a few gladiators seeking their freedom. I know the battle is lost for Pythium but my pretender will be horror-marking like hell, just to make sure that some of your leaders will regret the war.

Oberly has gone AWOL, so I can’t host the turn yet. HURRY MIKE!! YOU’RE SCREWING WITH MY DOM2 RATIO!!

You are the Brian Koontz of Dom2.

You mean I am the most respected Dom2 player on this forum by far?

I think so

Yeah,my bad.I’ll have all the turns out to everyone shortly.I’ve been busy turning every province which touches my skeletal fist into a wasteland.

Ah, so noble Pythium. Doomed, but noble. At least you had a moment of victory against your Jotun oppressors before being ‘liberated’ by Marignon. I’ll be releasing the prisoners next turn, Mordor style.

Take solace that your men died in the shade…

Just checking to see if there any new games starting and to check on the progress of the ongoing ones.


I’m still in Wisconsin (hey, isn’t Bub around here somewhere?), so I’m holding up four games. I’ll be back by Sunday to conquer the world.

I’m enjoying the Demo,and expect to get full game tomorrow or monday.

If you guys don’t mind a clueless newbie in the next game to be set up let me know.

I’m willing to run a newbie game (I won’t play in it) since my nifty (if I do say so myself) perl script takes 90% of the pain out of hosting a PBEM game. I know VegasRobb was looking for a game as well. Post here if interested. If we can’t get enough newbies we can just open it up to the Dom2 addicts as well.

I am interested. I am not quite a newbie but I suck pretty bad.


This would be my second PBEM game. If that qualifies me as a newbie, I’m in!