Dominions 5: Multiplayer Warriors of the Feint - 2018 Stabby-Stabby Edition

Looks like 3 manticores got off the ground(yes, soul slay popped the other 3) and attacked. One was instantly gibbed, and another got turned to stone(word of stone i think) and one lasted a swing or two…

It’s actually kind of funny - the manticore that was turned to stone then occupied 11 of my soldiers for several rounds until the stoneform faded, and he fled the field due to failed morale - the only one of the squad to survive.

congrate to na’ba! We’ve got a game.

thanks for the great write up!

This turn was less interesting to me. Of course, NaBa broke the siege, so I expect I’ll be seeing raiders going all over the place, giving me trouble. I have a few forces on the way to combat it though.

well that went well for me…not. gosh, Phaeacia is a tough nut to crack. I’ll have to have another think.

Nice write up @pyrhic.

I do have to note, that @Kelan, if left alone for a significant period of time, is a serious contender in the late game, as my many defeats can attest too.

Just an observation…

Any nation with serious blood will be a pain in the late game.

Its why I felt I needed an early lead with Machaka. Which I have since lost.

Got to be honest, I think I want to play a disciple game next. What is the point of have cunning plans if you can’t share them with others and laugh maniacally together?

Having been ‘suckered’ by a faux alliance against Phaeacia, and as the only nation not at war, I also think Abyssia is likely best positioned for the final push.

That was a good but unusual turn for Phaecia. My carefully scripted spells weren’t that effective. Otoh, my soliders were very effective in brute strength. But a lot of bolts hitting empty air.

Back to drawing board for my mages.

I continually to underestimate how good some summon spells are in battlefields. My air elemental summons were probably the best/most efficient spell cast.

i think you did fine! storm was a perfect antidote to my fire. me, on the other hand, spammed destruction without realising 1. you have magic armor 2. that its claims that non-magical armor ‘drops off’ is a little overstated - the reality is that it damages armor thus reducing 20 prot. to a still significant 13.

That turn went better for me. Except, I sent a bunch of troops to their death for no reason, that I didn’t mean to move. They got lumped in with a scout!

That’s twice.

On the plus side, I made some of my goals and my rebuilding is almost complete.

Is this like the time you misclicked a mage into my lands pre-war times?

My troops moved to that very province anticipating an attack there, that’s for sure.

Garn. And there goes my last harbinger.

So, for some reason, people are retreating from my territory. Or are they just hidden?

In other news, lets see if we can have some fun!

What the heck just happened this last turn? A lot of craziness going on there.

Phaeacia asked my intentions in a very public pm thread …Thought I would just put me response here. …

When the world failed to dogpile on Machaka it became clear to both of us that whoever won our war would end up being a huge target. We came to an understanding. I expect hostilities to start again, I just don’t know when.

For what it’s worth the deal was made just prior to Na’Ba’s successful capitol defense. If I had known that Na’Ba was going to stay alive I likely would have pressed on. I believed Na’Ba’s pronouncements that he was finished. Silly me.

Genuine apologies to Vanarus. You did your part. Yeah…I think he’s coming at you from the east and yes he has a scary army. I wasn’t just pandering when I talked about how well Machaka is playing.

I understand the ind/phaeacia sideshow. It was probably a good play for both of you.

Yes, I have invaded Abyssia. I don’t believe Kelan is surprised as he confirmed the advance warning I gave him several turns ago and my armies were quite visible as they approached the border. Being the only one of us not at war and me sharing a substantial border with him AND him having access to several thrones put a target on his back. Geography and circumstances often decide who is friend and foe. If he had done so much as march an army to the Machaka border I likely would have continued to prosecute hostilities with Machaka, but it became clear that he had no real intention of joining in against the spiders.

Sorry my fault. I forgot everyone else was on that thread. I thought it was just going to you and Van. But I don’t think there’s any surprises.

The Ind/Phaecia sideshow was not by my choice. I got hit by Ind and then have responded somewhat successfully. I think Ind was unhappy when I didn’t give back a province that captured by indies after it sat still for a few turns. I moved my armies to take and changed my expansion plans with idea that I would move in that direction. So understand why he was unhappy.

One of Ind strengths is also their weaknesses of being unable to see their armies b/c of stealth. Makes it harder to trust/talk to them

I think the peace with Machaka is a smart move by you and it creates a series of 1 v 1s for most part.

My turn went as well as I expected. No big surprises yet.

I don’t know if any one noticed, but I am having some fun with two of my black sorcerers. Just sending them out naked to see what they can do. So far, the results haven’t been half bad. Except one fled a fight for no reason. Not too happy with that.

The silly sorcerer even survived running away!

Na’Ba was a going concern from the start of the Machaka war. Winning that battle at my capital was a 50/50 proposition at best - had he played his hunters as one group, i would almost certainly have lost. Regardless though, any win I had would be temporary at best - one fort cannot produce comparable resources to all that Machaka has. The value I had was tying up substantial Machaka resources, which was something i could have done for some time with him distracted elsewhere.

Now you enter a conflict with Abyssia - a conflict that, even should you win, will take a very long time to conclude. Machaka will emerge, stronger, and you’ll still be fighting abyssia. Unless you’ve a plan to win in the next 10 turns, I think you made a poor choice.

I don’t know. The war isn’t going all that great for me yet.

And even if the war ends in my favor, I’m still losing territory to raids by everyone else.

And of course, we have 2 globals up. That will be helpful when we get to the late game.