Dominions 5: Multiplayer Warriors of the Feint - 2018 Stabby-Stabby Edition

I can’t argue with you about this. We’ll see how it plays out. You may be right. I think I mentioned that my feeling was that if I won the war with Machaka I was still on the losing end of the proposition. Lots of territory and enemies and few thrones.

Frankly if Phaeacia really can take down ind…He’s in good shape with respect to thrones. (which after all ARE the point of the game.)

If nothing else I’ve kept Kelan from having a free hand for the next 10 turns. Blood’s a killer in the end game.

Yeah when I noticed you withdrawing, I also withdrew my own army. Which is part of my answer to Legowarriors post…

i think Phaeacia can take me down… i haven’t come up with a strategy as yet for High HP/High Prot/FAM… which is two thrones in my (former) territory, one has just been taken, one I left with a high indy army, but easily taken out at this stage.

Well, I guess you spiders are here for me then. Best get it over quick, I’m an old man, not too long on patience now…

I’ll see what I can do.

Personally, I’m worried about the late game. Machaka doesn’t have a ton of tools to do awesome things in the late game, like Pythium, with its summons, or Abysia with blood.

A few big battles happened, it seems and I was raided.

I didn’t even know I could be raided.

That was weird. Didn’t intend to stall, just my mental clock of 72 hours thinks it should be tomorrow…

Not that it matters much for me, just still…

Appreciate the write up, @pyrhic. Sounds like some key decisions will shape the late game. I wonder what alliances are forming in secret. Or not so secret, since it sounds like the late game is here.

I’m excited by the next few turns. I think we’ll see some crazy magic.

Also, I’m enjoying the fact that the mod has really made some usually ignored nations seem very much viable. Especially Fire magic, with the nerf of Rain.

So, was that scout attack on purpose, or did you just want to see why Pythium and I hadn’t taken that province yet?

It’s just a wee bunny!

As you may have noticed, I’m finally on the board with my own little Global Spell. Nothing impressive, but its still pretty good.

didn’t notice, i actually thought you’d been eliminated already…

Well, that is a cruel spell! I can’t believe you would be so mean, with that Wrath of God Spell. I took damage!

FAM for the win.

I keep getting hit by annoying lighting! Its dang annoying.

And I can see that Vanarus wants to make our war a little more fun! Which I’m total up for. So, lets get it on!

What the…??
Not sure how that happened, but it did.
Looks like it won’t cost me much, but dang…
Just when you think you understand this game you see new ways you failed.

makes me wish i knew what you were talking about…

Did someone grab an in-between province or something?

I have no clue what is going on.

Some orders were issued on my behalf that…I do not think I ordered.
I must have had a major mis-click in my submitted turn.

Check everything and when your done with that…double check it.