Doom Patrol (tv)

So I’m getting from this thread that this show is good enough to finally use my week free trial on DC Universe before it leaves their service? I always liked Doom Patrol comics, but these comic book TV series are pretty hit or miss.

Its worth it, especially season one. Season two wasn’t as good but its still worth watching.

I recently read the most recent Doom Patrol comics, from this past decade. The show is better.

Ok just finished watching both seasons. I have one very important question.

Why does Cliff blink?

Looks better than windshield wipers?

The artistic answer? Because, with a face made out of steel, its one of the easiest ways to portray emotion.

To get rid of afterimages on his CCDs.

So first three episodes of season 3 dropped for this yesterday.

I discovered this about a month ago and absolutely loved the first season. I enjoy shows like Fleabag that break the third wall and Mr. Nobody delivers. I love how he calls out the pretentious title sequence and mentions the Reddit troll fans of the show. So many awesome and unexpected moments… Team Jane 4 Lyfe. Hope the third season fixes the dip in quality at the end of season 2.

That’s what eventually stopped me, contrary to all expectations a Doom Patrol TV show packs in more twists, backstory, character development, etc. into an episode than nearly any show I’ve watched. When I feel I have more brain to devote to it I’ll pick it back up.

Exactly! Isn’t this what people admire about the Marvel movies? Doom Patrol has less CGI and fewer stupor-hero fights so gets to the above much quicker. Highly recommended.

I watched the first episode of season 1 tonight, this show is pretty good!

Great job on introducing the cast.

You’re in for a treat - this is such a great, crazy show

I picked up HBO max again to watch dune, and was happy to see the new season of doom patrol is out. This is probably the best thing the DC cinematic universe has, other than the Christopher Nolan Batman movies.

Back with HBO for a month which means a chance to catch up with stuff dropped since my last go-round, and Doom Patrol season 3 is on the list. They did such a great job with this show, from the casting to the absurdist plots to the character arcs. There are lots of deviations from the comics I read many years ago, but they did a solid job of capturing the essence.

My HBO sub ended awhile back and I never finished season 1. Its on my to watch list though!

Same here. It’s a very dense show. I can watch about one episode per year. I can’t handle more than that!

Hmm…34 episodes have been made so far and a season 4 has been announced. Good luck, sir!

Heh… I only watched 3 episodes of Season 1, so I will get caught up before @Rock8man

That’s a good way or saying it, I enjoyed the show but it was somehow tiring with the constant craziness and hyperflawed characters going slowly madder.

Alright, you guys have convinced me. It’s been enough time. It’s to watch Season 1 Episode 4 this month. This is it!