Dr. Strange 2....It is going to happen. (Multiverse of Madness)

Certainly is interesting. Marvel movies don’t have directors, so much as roving bands of executives, and then the occasional dive bomb from a head honcho. If my suspicion is correct, Raimi has been on a yacht a long time, waiting to see the movie like the rest of us.

It certainly looks like they’re setting up Wanda to be the villain. And Shuma Gorath! So glorious. I know it’s “Gargantos” but it’s really Shuma.


That’s clearly what the trailer wants you to think. But Mordo’s also in this movie (and trailer), don’t forget.

Most likely we get manipulated and/or multiverse Wanda being the bad for part of the movie, then in the end it turns out to be Mordo pulling the strings all along and regular Wanda gets a redemption arc.

I mean it looks like there’s an “alternate” Strange and I tihnk an “alternate” Wanda as well. Gonna toy with an evil version of each I’m sure, but I don’t think Wanda will ultimately be a villain. If she tiptoes, yeah, she’ll get a redemption.

The internet is speculating on the glowy person that attacks Wanda in the trailer. A version of a Captain Marvel? A Human Torch of some kind? The crowd that’s hoping for Tom Cruise cast as another universe’s Tony Stark is busy convincing themselves that’s him, despite nothing even remotely clear about the actor even if that does turn out to be a version of that character. Fun speculation times!

Apparently Marvel’s been test screening the heck out of this though, so I’m worried more stuff is going to start legitimately leaking. I’m trying to enjoy the speculation at a sufficient distance to avoid direct spoilers, but I should know better. I failed in that approach with No Way Home.

I heard it was Mephisto.

Quit trying to make Mephisto happen, its not going to happen.

Whoever the glowy person is in the trailer, they have very thin arms (look at just after they break through the wall), which, given the conventional icongraphy of both superhero comics and Hollywood star casting, suggests either a woman or a youth.

Or hey, maybe both. Like America Chavez a.ka. Miss America who is in this movie. No, they don’t normally have both blue glowy hands and fire coming out of their butt. But neither do the other people being put forward for this, so might as well leave my chips on that guess for now.

(Honestly it could be anyone, because wibbly wobbly multiversey: nobody needs to look or act like either their comic or MCU equivalents in the multiverse.)

For anyone who’s planning on seeing this, tickets just went on sale today for showings starting May 5!

That sounds like something Mephisto would say.

A little over a week away, latest promo explicitly refers to a thing that sounded like a crazy rumor last year (though it doesn’t actually reveal the thing).

As always, don’t start watching trailers now if you’re trying to be surprised:

I guess I’m not enough of a comics person to know what this is referring to because that trailer just looks like a cut down version of what we’ve already seen. Is there something new I should be surprised at?

The Illuminati. All but confirmed in earlier trailers, but no one used that name until this one afaik.

Oh okay. Well, that means nothing to me other than the real-world use of the word.

Comic spoilers, presumably some of which will be movie spoilers too: It’s a gang of Marvel’s powerful/influential heroes secretly calling the shots at various points, sometimes arrogantly or making questionable choices. Original lineup was Dr. Strange, Black Bolt, Charles Xavier, Reed Richards, Namor, and Iron Man.

In the trailer, that’s who we’re likely seeing in silhouette on those thrones.

I presumed they were the TVA group from Loki.

A fair assumption, but I believe @WhollySchmidt is correct. I was reading comics during that story line, it will be absolutely wild to find out what they use from it.

A comprehensive interview with director Sam Raimi about his career and working in the Marvel system.

New footage in short TV spots and promos continues to reveal more surprises that weren’t in the last full trailer. Just FYI in case you want to seek them out/avoid them.

It’s driving me nuts because part of my job involves monitoring commercials in our feeds and I have those damn spoilers all over my monitors.