Dragon Age: Inquisition

I bought the DLC pack and have started a new play-through of this. Elven archery rogue this time around. I think I played a melee rogue in my attempt at a second round of DA:O once, otherwise I’ve not played the class.

I’ve only just begun, made it to the Hinterlands and have done some stuff there. Level 5 or so.

Some of my comments from back when this was my GOTY are starting to come back to me:

I played a mage last time, and so far the gameplay with an archer feels a bit less fun. It feels more ARPG-y than I remember. I am playing on normal this time around since hard didn’t really add much last time. The inventory and interface in general is worse than I remember.

But man, it is a gorgeous game. Looking quite good in 1440p since I’ve upgraded since last time.

I also had forgotten how much I liked the War Table. I could play an entire game made out of that! One thing is how you expend power to do many of the operations, which pulls you back into doing more stuff to build the Inquisition. Are there any other games with something similar? I guess I should return to Pillars of Eternity and see if the Keep-thing there was any fun… though, I put that on hold in wait for the 1.04 patch…