E3 2010: the Qt3 dinner, Tuesday, June 15 at 6:30pm

Was good to meet you all. Thanks for organizing, Tom!

McMaster in person kinda reminds me of John Flansburg. Not that I’ve ever had involved conversations about action/RTS with the latter.

That was great! Thanks to you those of you who joined us. It felt scattered because we were spread across three tables and there were several of you I didn’t get to talk to as much as I would have liked (roguefrog, Matt N, and J. Matt Z, since I’d never met you guys before). But I had a grand time.

And I’m glad we did this on Tuesday because I was pretty beat after E3 on Wednesday and Thursday. Also, I don’t know who John Flansburg is, so it must be a sports thing. But McMaster in person is a force of nature.


Do-Do-Don’t lets start.

As always I had a great time meeting everyone and I rarely have as good a conversation as I did with you guys that night.

Did you guys know that Tom was in The Office?

It was fun, but a bit awkward as I had like no voice.

So where the hell are the pictures?

No one took any. It’s a good thing too because I was badly in need of a haircut. So was I the only guy that hadn’t met people from the internet before? I had a “Fun” time, even when the discussion went to talking about Action RTSs (Dota-likes? Dota clones?) which I have never played.

Yeah, I heard bits and pieces of Adam and you guys talking about those and wanted to come over to your section of the table to join in! Those games aren’t my bag either and I wanted to hear more. But I was stuck in a conversation about, I dunno, the folly of top ten lists or something.


Now I have Tom’s mom’s phone number. We chat. It’s fun.

I’ve been meaning to respond to this thread to say pretty much the same thing, but I’ve been pretty busy in the post-E3 crush (As a freelancer, I have much less free time to spend on Qt3 than I used to). But anyway, thanks for organizing, Tom. It was great fun, and thanks for letting my little posse join in!