E3 2012: Sony Conference Live Thread

I was hopping they’d call Cross-Controller something closer to MS Glass. At least they’d be easier to say together.

Wait, 20% of PS3’s are offline? They buried the lede.


I wouldn’t reach around on Kratos. Just sayin’.

Holy fuck, my PS Plus haul is epic this month.

Indie games? I dunno how I feel about games that aren’t first person shooters and don’t assume I’m retarded.


You get a Playstation Plus Membership and you get a Playstation Plus Membership and you get a Playstation Plus Membership!


They don’t already give away PS Plus to the media? That’s rather silly.

I think I need to upgrade my hard drive. 80 is getting slim.

Yeah, the press are woefully ignorant of the bounty that is PS+.

Hey, I’m not even a fan of Smash Bros. It’s not my style of game. But I think there are a lot of PS owners who will be all over it, just for Kratos being there.

Apparently a third of the room is community members invited not press, thus all the noise.

Thank god they offer NHL Gamecenter, with like 2 games left in the season.

I am strongly against all bribery in which I am not included.

Kratos was a fag.

The hell he was!

You was too, you boys. I go to his pad in Brentwood to install a two-way mirror, and he comes to the door in a dress.


How annoying is an upgrade? Do I have to redownload everything or is there a way to transfer stuff?

(I just saw Avengers last night, and Harry Dean Stanton was the only good part of the movie.)

Still no CoD for Vita stage demo?

Assassin’s Creed on the Vita looks nice. I can’t see me buying it twice, though.

You can do a backup to a usb harddrive before upgrading.