E3 2016: Looking towards the future

Yeah, sounds awesome, and they already do this on all their expansion areas, and it works awesomely there.

He’s actually referring to Oblivion, which was the game most criticized for that approach. Bethesda changed its level scaling approach as a result starting with Fallout 3 (essentially locking in levels by area based upon when you arrive there), which is also used for Skyrim.

Opps? First time I forgot about E3. I thought it was coming in a few days, not yesterday.

EA conference was a total worthless waste of time.

Bethesda conference was ok thanks to Dishonored 2 and Prey, but I hoped for Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein as well.

That Bethesda presentation for ESO was evidently aimed at non- ESO players, noobs and shareholders :)

The one world architecture will surely be great for new players. I see sub level 50 players running around the new DLC areas all the time looking like they are having no problems. I don’t even have to fire off a healing ward as I pass to help them out.

It would have been nice if they had teased the next DLC just a bit. Or put up a sign that said housing “Soon” TM.

Yeah, the lack of any housing mentioning makes me think it could still be a ways out, if this year at all.

Never for a moment they even made people suspicious that they got a clue.

With the banshee screaming during the conference it was a good display of the chasm between players and devs. Literally no one cared.

(want an almost-decent sandbox? Play Black Desert, it pisses all over TESO, probably at a tiny fraction of the budget. Between this and Blade & Soul these Koreans are starting to outclass what the market produced in the west. It took a while, but they’re getting there.)

Like Jim Sterling or not, but this video says it PERFECTLY. It’s so well written I want a transcript:

Ohhhh, right. Well, I’m super enjoying ESO, so I’m cautiously optimistic about these changes.

Yes! I would be so happy.


It just seems like a blind change by bethesda (or zenimax?). They clearly don’t understand what is going on and are almost surprised when there isn’t a ton of support.

That they made a dark brotherhood DLC in ESO also points to this. While assassin guilds are cool and all, people didn’t like the dark brotherhood quests so much because it was an assassin’s guild. They liked them because the quality of the quests was SIGNIFICANTLY better than the rest of the game. So by all means make an assassin’s guild, but if you want to really gather some of that good will from the original Dark Brotherhood quests in oblivion (if i have my ES games right this time!), then just make the quality of your quests/writing better.

Me too. While it wasn’t the best game in the world, Evil Within was very underrated in my opinion.

I think this is a great call and I suspect it required a lot of ZOS’s focus and effort to implement. I’m a bit envious of new players just starting the game and I really wish that the game was this way at the start.

I finished Caldwell’s Silver (vr1-5) and Gold (vr6-10) but it was a chore sometimes and feeling like I was funneled and grinding vr levels diminished some of the fun of just exploring the massive number of zones, stories and and quests. I don’t think people realize just how much content there is with this game. Yes, it’s not all 5 star quest lines and there is bound to be some repetition, but there are some seriously cool locations and quests. If you just go around Tamriel fishing you can have a great time.

Usually my interest in gaming is almost permanent, but from time to time there are periods where I reach low points on that interest. I suppose right now it’s one of these times.
I say that because right now I was watching the trailer for Dishonored 2 and I was thinking "more Dishonored, good, but… apart from the graphics that almost could be an expansion. Just the obligatory new set of powers at your disposal to have a bit more of variety, and prettier graphics.
Then I watched the Titanfall 2 trailer and same (except without the graphical jump, it looked kind of similar to the first one), just a few new mechs, a few new weapons, a few new tools (teleporter, grappling hook). Dunno, I’m seeing lots of pretty conservative sequels.
Battlefield 1, everyone knows is going to be more of the same. Though at least it has an original setting going for it.

Is no one watching the PC Gaming show?

Man, it’s so bad.

It’s too bad they didn’t learn that last year the host was the issue.

Here we go with Ubisoft!

Goddamn. Ubisoft is always weird.

I liek this Hubisoft, is weird and is afraid of nothing