E3 Season 2021: Virtual shows and trailers

PC Gaming Show in about an hour and a half.

PC Gaming show soon later today. Future Gaming Show, whatever that is, later today too.

I’ve been watching the E3 Twitch stream while unpacking boxes. My favorite moment: an interview with Mary DeMarle of Eidos Montreal about Guardians of the Galaxy. Why was it my favorite? The books in her bookshelf were carefully arranged so no spines were showing other than Marvel collections.

When is 2K doing announcements? Rumor is that Firaxis is going to announce what they’ve been working on.

Take Two has an “interactive panel” Monday at 10:15 Pacific.

Excellent. Will be interested to see if that Marvel / Firaxis rumor is true — I’m kind of assuming no.

It does seem like we’re up to the point where they ought to be announcing a Civ7 soon since they seem to come out roughly every 5 years.

Also Jake Solomon didn’t work on XCOM Chimera, so he must have been working on something for the past five years.

Here’s a full schedule on this page:

Take 2 and Capcom tomorrow are the main things I see on there. And maybe the indie showcase might have something good. And then Tuesday Nintendo and Namco Bandai.

Back 4 Blood is day 1 Gamepass. Buuuut pre-order gets Beta access in August. I’m gonna spend the money, I know it.

Back 4 Blood showcase is next E3 day 2 stream.


Demo is out on PS5 for that Stranger of Paradise:Final Fantasy Origins thing. I’ll check it out later tonight, downloading now.
(sounds like it’s busted, lol)

“Next up, some footage of Dying Light 2!”

Cuts to half-naked cartoon food fight game.

“They’re not zombies. They’re half-living infected people that attack anything that moves due to their pain and rage.”

So… Zombies?

Videogame has plot. But nothing to show :/

What the hell was that?? No gameplay, just a dude talking in a mo-cap studio?

That Giga Bash looked kind of fun

I think I’m too dumb for Lemnis Gate.

And yet too smart for these presenters.

This must be Starfield.

I thought Fallout 76 looked pretty good with the BOS story and an expedition to The Pitt.

Yeah, but it’s still janky-ass F76 underneath it all.