E3 Season started early in 2023?

This is mostly stuff I don’t care about.

I guess the Summer Games fest is only going to announce anything that the other publisher showcases didn’t want to save for themselves?

I feel like the Game Awards had more interesting stuff.

Yes, to give away a big reveal makes no sense if you’re having your own event.

Game Awards gets all the exclusives because there’s nothing else happening at the same time.

yes, it always has been like that. In June, the big exclusives are in the Sony/MS/Nintendo/Ubi/EA showcases, no here. In November or December, because there are no other competing showcases, the Game Awards can have bigger exclusives. edit: too late! damnit Menzo!

Yeah, this is all kinda dull. But I mean let’s face it, it’s all just filler until we get to the Starfield show, so why not sit back and try to enjoy it?

There is a… Picard day?

I think these are designed to have strong starts and a strong finish. I agree this whole middle part is where they put all the boring stuff. I thought the start was very strong today. The new Prince of Persia game, MK1 gameplay, Alan Wake 2 gameplay, and some other good stuff.

This show just might be as bad as the sony one, didn’t think that was possible.

Alan Wake and Banishers look good at least.

Oh yay, yet another Final Fantasy.

FF7 Remake part 2

I don’t get it, how is this a reveal? The rumors were true? But I thought they announced Final Fantasy 7 remake part 2 already last year?

Edit: I feel like I shouldn’t be watching this. Too many FF7 spoilers. I still plan on playing that.

Edit: At least Day of the Devs is something to look forward to. It was very good last year.

Well, it ended. Meh.

Well that was a worthless waste of two hours. Should have been playing Chernobylite and just watch the two or three decent trailers.

Then again, it is often like this and yet I still punish myself everytime…guess I am a masochist.

Oh wow, whatever this game is that you can build backgrounds and shapes out of photographs looks really cool.

edit: it’s called Viewfinder

Are you watching on Youtube? Link? Or is it the same feed as the Gamefest thing?

Watching on Twitch, through Dan’s Gaming channel.

DansGaming - Twitch

There’s a whole episode of TNG about it! Maybe a slight exaggeration and honestly I forgot it was in the Pegasus episode.

I finally got to this. This looks very cool. It’s Indie graphics, but good enough to look almost realistic, which is important to the game, it feels like.

I want to play Henry Half-head right now with my son. Looks so bizarre.

Wilfred Brimley’s Cocoon continues to look great. I remember seeing that in previous shows.

Each trailer makes me slightly less excited. The camera angles in melee combat are bizarre, and I don’t understand the appeal of shooting at hordes down in an area you’re far from. Yet they keep showing clips of that, I guess for the shooter gamers.

The melter / plasma gun thing (or whatever it’s called) looked pretty neat.