EA has purchased Respawn

Eh… it’s world building for Titanfall 3 IMO. Better to wait a little while for that anyway. Build up some goodwill and allow some time for how good it was to sink in with people.

Back in my day the death knell of a classic series selling out everything that made it great in order to chase already-vanishing customers in a hot new fad genre was the inevitable MMO sequel.

I actually feel bad for the people who have to watch good games morph into battle royales.


My soul is crying.

Ugh, Armando. Don’t remind of the days when everyone sunk loads of cash into the next WoW killer. Even back when I played MMOs it was a bit much.

I mean the quintessential example of that for me is Blizzard ruining the excellent Warcraft franchise by turning it into a goddamned MMO…but I realize I’m in the minority on that opinion! :-D

It’s the circle of life. Everybody chases the current big thing, and by the time they get there they can’t compete with the established big thing. Happened with DOOM clones, then MMOs, then Minecraft, now it’s Fortnite.

My general feeling is Fortnite BR is a fad that will lose its lustre, and Battle Royale will be an established game mode in every FPS from now on.

Fortnite won’t fade away, mind you. It hit critical mass and will keep expanding.

Don’t forget MOBAs!

Golly, yes. We had a good 2-3 years of LoL clones. Even Blizzard took their shot (and missed).

Excuse me sir, I believe you mean dota clones.

Not really, dota was just a mod, the juggernaut MOBA was LoL. Doesn’t matter which came first, PUBG wasn’t the first BR game either. What matters is which was overwhelmingly successful.

Don’t forget survival although it seems like only a couple non-indies went that route, mostly Conan. I thought there was another one. Hard say. Felt like 90% never left EA.

There were a couple survival followers, but the genre never reached the heights of a LoL, Minecraft, or PUBG. I couldn’t even tell you what the top survival game was-- Rust, maybe? Or Ark? Certainly not DayZ.

There were a ton of them in EA at one point. Isn’t Subnautica survival?

Man this game looks dreadful. EA…

Why do people keep trying to be Fortnite?


Sure, but Subnautica isn’t exactly Minecraft in popularity.

Because it makes all the money, obviously.

I would say most games, even the really, really popular ones are not approaching what Minecraft has done. It gives free games a run for their not up-front fee money.

I know. But i hate it.

That being said, this game is way better than fortnite.