

To be fair in this case. The PM is standing in the middle of the media briefing room in one of the most earthquake tolerant buildings in the world. I say tolerant since it’s designed to go with the quake. There’s nothing she could be diving under even if she wanted to ;-)

And she’s hard as nails…

I can’t remember what it feels like to have one of the top world leaders in charge of my country. I mean I’d settle for top 100 at this point.

And now a decent after shock

This was fun at 2am ish

Followed by:

And now:

So theres a few poor sods here in NZ that have had to tsunami evacuate twice in the same morning!

Meanwhile Iceland is getting rocked with thousands of smaller quakes - everyone is assuming a volcanic eruption is imminent.

So is 2021 going to be the year of the Earthquake / Volcano Eruption, or is this the shark attack phenomenon?

Meanwhile, in my neck of the woods, earthquake swarms have been the news du jour

And a few large enough to feel

And a few weeks ago a bigger hit in the Cascadia subduction zone off the coast


None of these are particularly alarming, but definitely a bit more active than I recall since I moved here.

Fortunately, earthquake swarms don’t necessarily presage anything. Every now and then, we get dozens of little ones, basically right under the main street that my street connects to. Usually doesn’t lead to anything.

Of course, it could mean that an 8.1 is right around the corner. The joys of living right on top of an urban fault.

That is scary.

Mother Nature has decided this is your penance for escaping Covid.

‘Have a well run state that saves its people misery and death, will ya?’

How many of these have been above a level to be felt though? I know a few have produced some tsunami warnings.

Anything that is not green will have been felt somewhere.

Also girls can do anything.

I hate to bring this up. I am not religious at all. Are we really in the End Times now? Asking for a friend.

We are carrying out the Sixth Great Extinction, and few scattered major earthquakes won’t slow us down. Go Team Humans!

Living as I do in a place with almost no natural disasters, I don’t really understand this:

Is this about landslides? Otherwise I don’t really understand why the advice to move to higher ground is (in the area under assessment) dependent on whether you felt the earthquake. Surely tsunami risk is more dependent on the shape of the coastline and (on a large scale) the proximity to the epicentre.