
You haven’t countered anything except the thing that you thought I was saying.

Go ahead and state what you have been thinking my opinion is, just for the record! I can hardly wait!


Dave, is your time on this really worth it? I hope not.

Oh my god not the briar patch, here, shake this baby’s hand

Correct. Objective, verifiable data on your internal motivations is unobtainable. Therefore, the scientific method cannot be applied to my opinion about them. However, objective, verifiable data can be obtained about southern California consumer habits following a quake, and thus the scientific method can indeed be used to prove or disprove your opinion on the topic.

Obviously, I don’t really care about the shopping issue. What I do care about is your egregious misunderstanding of scientific method.

Or either misconstrues or intentionally misinterprets items to fit his own ego and sense of worth. Kind of an asshat, really.

— Alan

… which is what?

I won’t ask again.

I’m told that you could have felt it out here in Vegas, but I did not. Glad everyone is okay.

Why bother asking at all? It’s this, as you know full well:

Of all the serious shit on which you could and should invoke the Scientific Method, you pick this?

If you read back, he invoked it, not me, and then went the extra mile by saying my grip on it was tenuous. Having been a professional scientist for 15 years, I took issue with that.

Ahhh, I only read the part where you owned him in the face with it. Carry on.

Yeah I liked how the thunderstorm a few years back caused all the streelights to fail and became front page news. But I got to live through some wildfires so it all balances.

The statements “this is a great time to go shopping” and “bring this particular piece of music” are not directly addressed at all by anything you’ve said. At all.

You’ve managed to prove that you were inferring something that I never implied. Grats? I guess that would work if language were math. You could multiply me by i and come up with a complex opinion.

No, actually what happened is I was talking to the guy who lives in an area of the country where they don’t have earthquakes very often. If he were in an earthquake there, you can be damn sure he’d see the effect that I mentioned–and he’d probably be seeing it for the next 1-2 days, not 6-12 hours.

But, oh no, you assumed I was making a general statement about everyone’s life and everyone’s environment that would of course apply to you particularly because of course anyone talking about earthquakes must mean your own little precious corner of the Earth.

So you’ve also managed to prove that you’re a self-absorbed, narcissistic Californian prick. Grats on that too.

Extra bonus points for very scientifically assuming that Easter has no bearing on your lone data point. It is California, after all.

Dave, I know its hard to not turn a beautiful pitch like this into a grand slam, but I’m begging you: please leave this troll bait off your menu or it will be all you eat for weeks. He isn’t worth responding to, trust me.

She’s right. You fuck with the bull and you get the horns.

See, that’s a complete lie. When you said “Oh, God, right after an earthquake is a great time to go shopping. Bring the Benny Hill theme song with you to play on headphones,” it was as an immediate response to my recommendation that anyone living in SoCal who doesn’t have an emergency supplies cache should go to a grocery store and assemble one.

I pity you, Jackstar. You’re completely unable to admit you were wrong, so instead you’re now desperately trying to retcon what you said into something, anything else. Caught between the Scylla of error and the Charybdis of blatant stupidity, you’ve chosen stupidity. Yay you.

Certainly your post triggered mine, but I still wasn’t talking to or about you. You’re not important and you never were.

Suuuure you weren’t. Just keep repeating that often and loudly. Perhaps in time you’ll believe your own lies. No one else will.