Elden Ring: a thread specifically for spoilers

Where would be a good place to test my different +11 weapons and weapon arts at? A place where the enemy is kind of general, but I can quickly grace and fight over and over again.

I think fatigue is starting to set in now. Since the fire giant, it’s been a lot of…what now? Who am I killing? Where am I? Ok, i’ll go kill that. Their name also starts with M? How many is that? Didn’t I kill someone by this name before? I thought I killed the first elden lord already? Is he back? Is this a different one? Why are there all these cutscenes in the middle of my fights now? How come this guy doesn’t have a rune?

I dunno, i’m bearing through it all, but it’s been…unfun. Somewhere in all that, i completely missed the haligtree, so i’m doubling back and doing that now. I think the only areas I have remaining are that, the deep sewers and the deeproots.

the warmasters shed? There’s all those trolls nearby that you can see good damage numbers against…

Third Church of Marika is where I always do that. Lone troll right out front. Also to check out different summons.

The point of grace just before Godfrey, in Stormveil Castle. Exit the grace, and there’s a troll to the left with his back turned.

It’s pretty wild that one of the best staffs in the game is just sitting on a random corpse close to the starting area, right next to another corpse with one of the best spells in the game, and the staff is juiced to work extra well with that particular spell.

I looked up when I would get something that could replace it and the guides are like “yeah don’t bother until you’ve got some boss remembrance reward upgraded to +15”

Sleeping dragon is a great place to test damage numbers, because it doesn’t fight back, and has a ton of hitpoints. Very easy to see what’s what there.

You’re the only one here who has managed to keep the sleeping dragon alive! Well done!

My one and only Elden Ring talent apparently.

Too low level for a good test.

Re: sleeping dragon: I haven’t killed it yet either because I keep wondering if it will break something. If I’m in the Consecrated Snowfield, is it safe to head back to Caelid to kill it? LOL

Re: weapon testing, I usually test weapons and summons at Gatefront ruins, but if that’s low level/easy, if you’re doing the Bird Farm outside of Mohgwyn Palace, that grace has a buncha sleeping Albinaurics that aren’t too difficult to fight but are considered lategame in terms of HP/levels.

Killing it will cause no problems. It doesn’t tie into anything. Same as the one on the bridge or the one near the merchant. Except the latter two will fight back.

My guess is they put that thing in game to supply people with dragon hearts (as it gives you 5). I keep him alive to farm him, because 50k runes in 1:30 is pretty good, and it’s great for testing.

So I watched a guy play thru the first half of the Haligtree area last night, and he had a blood arcane build, using Mohgwyn’s staff, and he destroyed the enemies. I think he had 42 arcane combined with some beneficial talisman.

Yah, once you get your bleed buildup over 100, arcane builds are very powerful. 42 is about 102 buildup depending on exact weapon.

Until you get to things like the Elden Beast, which is immune to everything except being hit repeatedly. Ugh.

That’s what Occult weapons are for.

I’m on Elden Beast now and I think this boss is harder than Malenia. She did take me 5 nights of trying, though. But this guy’s attacks are such bullshit. They fill the whole damn arena, and I honestly think the camera is the biggest challenge when I get close to it.

My fat boss strat of roast with Comet Azure doesn’t work so well on him.

I saw a headline the other day that someone took 6 hours to beat the Tree Knight right after exiting into the open world. And I was thinking, hey, they’re writing about @Kolbex! Although I think Kolbex actually didn’t take 6 hours, you got it done faster than that, right?

It took me an hour and a half or two hours. I think it was the most fun I had in the game, too.

I also played as Vagabond although I didn’t unequip my starting armor. From the thumbnail it looks like they have a spear? Vagabond doesn’t start with that…

The nice thing about that is that it’s right at the start of the game, so anyone can make a new character and give it a go. I think I might actually do that one of these days.

I was a lot stronger when I came back to him, and he was still really fun to fight and took me a few tries.