Elden Ring - George R.R. Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki

A “Graphic” mode and a “Performance” mode for PS5 and Series X|S consoles. I like my violence graphic, but on the other hand I like performance too. Hmmm.

Google tells me that PS5 haptic feedback was planned, but I don’t see anything that says it is a sure thing? Does anyone know?

Impressions are out

I guess I didn’t get picked. I think this is the first time I haven’t been picked for a beta/network test of a soulslike. Maybe it’s because I’m on a last gen Xbox and there are fewer slots.

Do we have info on how the coop works on this one? Is it the same annoying (but still much better than nothing) system in the *Souls games? Put a sign down, summon friend for boss, then friend disappears?

I don’t think this game has a chance in hell of touching Nioh 2 for me, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. Especially the more open environments.

Co-op will still exist but I don’t know if it will be the same. Invading will be more geared towards co-op players over solo players, at
least that is what I have seen. There will still be “good and bad” phantoms.

I think you can summon friends (up to two) to just play the gameworld with you. There is a summoning statue right outside of the tutorial zone at the first Touch of Grace (bonfire) it looked like, but I’m only gleaming this from skimming some previews as none of the videos I’ve seen anyone has tried to co-op (probably because no one had friends also get into the beta).

This looks fantastic - just a huge evolution over Dark Souls in some ways (open world, crafting, lots of cool new interactions such as jumping and all the movesets that can bring in) - but it seems geared in some ways towards a larger audience, so it should be more approachable for everyone. I have a feeling a lot of the really good gear and crazy things will be gated by difficulty still, like an optional boss here or there in an area of the game map off the main path perhaps? It’s a good way to handle difficulty if that’s the case, imo.

The changes to the flask sound good.

This is a really good breakdown of the mechanics and changes from someone that seems to know what they are talking about. I’m only 5 minutes in but what I like about it is he isn’t running around spoiling the opening area so if you want to know more about how the combat feels or the like he’s just staying (so far) in one little area and fighting some basic enemies to explain things. EDIT: He does at the end show off one of the (very cool looking) “dungeons” in the game that lead to a mini-boss and some good loot, so if you want all the areas in the game to remain a mystery, skip the last 10 minutes or so.

I knew I’d like this guy when in the first minute he says “I know some folks say this is “just open world Dark Souls” to which I reply, Holy shit Open World Dark Souls” which is basically my thoughts. But he then goes on to show how this is so much more than that - it’s the best of all their titles (sneaking and jumping from Sekiro coupled with the ease of use and fluidity of Bloodbourne, for example) into one super game that he feels like will be their best yet, at least based on what he’s seen so far.

This guy details multiplayer starting at 10:20, FYI. It sounds incredible.

I was about to post a picture chuckling at how this game has Summoned Swords, but the video thumbnail gives away all the fun.

The game has a map. and you apparently open it up bit by bit.

This looks kind of like an open world Skyrim with Dark Souls combat and no quests. I think I’m all in, but I’m going to need a new PC.

this would be the first Fromsoft souls game with no obscure questlines. I like those kind of quests more than the traditional go from A to C via B or D etc…

One good change to coop I’ve seen (and it makes sense given the open world design) is that coop session doesn’t end after killing a boss. I’ve watched 2 people (FightingCowboy from the above video and some other guy) kill a mini-dungeon boss and continue playing together. At least seemed like it.

Also the guest player can loot crafting materials in the host’s open world.

I think I have seen something like that in a co-op play thru of Bloodborne. Certain items were available to the summons.

Unfortunately, this turned out to be not true - summons still disappear after killing even a minor boss.


What a pointlessly annoying system. Bring on Nioh 3!

I’ve watched a few snippets of gameplay from the test, maybe 3 minutes total if that. It definitely lifted my interest. Despite the similarities, I still wish I could play the game right now!

Me too. 25% easier would be great.

It’s probably harder. The bosses seem to have a lot of fast, multi-hit attacks. Bring a big shield.