Elden Ring - George R.R. Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki

Do we know if this game is GRIMDARK like Dark Souls?

I don’t think of Dark Souls as GRIMDARK, but I sure hope it’s got a similar feel to it. I think that’s what most people go to From for.

Yea, the bright colorful areas I have seen really throw me off.

There was plenty of color in Sekiro, too. I like it.

I get the impression there will be more living characters to interact with here, and not so much roving undead creatures, at least in parts of the world. Reading interviews it seems they are going for more of a lived in world than, say, the post apoc setting of a Breath of the Wild.

Seems to be a cross between a horse and a serow. I wonder what they call it in the Japanese version.

Good question! Seems to be 霊馬 which is “spirit horse” and appears to be a bit of a neologism, although it’s possibly derived from this:

You guys can say what you like about the horse, but this picture fuckin’ rules:

This could be fun in PVP if they don’t take it out before release.

Oh, and since replacing a single sentence with a 2 minute video is stupid, here’s the new mechanic: press dodge while doing a charged R2 attack and you’ll backflip out of it. I assume this is limited to certain weapons.

The invader on YouTube I like to watch isn’t real impressed by the PvP in ER. He does like the PvE changes they have made.

Good deal - making PvP less fun is the right direction in my book.

What doesn’t he like about it? I did a little bit of PvP in DS3, mostly covenant-related stuff, which I liked, although I did get invaded a couple of times, which wasn’t bad.

I am not sure. As I said above I have tried to avoid ER stuff. I was watching a stream of him playing a DS3 mod (Convergence V2) and he mentioned that he hoped they were fixing PvP based on the feedback they got from the early play they had.

The guys name is “ChasetheBro”.

I played a lot as a Blue Sentinel. I did some invading as well although I sucked at it.

Watching some more of the same guy today and he said in ER network testing the backstab in PvP was almost impossible and that weapon combos were not a thing. The backstab was still there in PvE.

ER is a terrible acronym for a game. We should use the first two letters of the first word instead. EL. EL is Elden Ring.


I can see why this would annoy a high level PvPer but personally (as someone who has fallen prey to some cheese ass backstabs) I think this is excellent news.

I rarely died to the backstab, it was usually the guy who could parry when her wanted to that got me, or the guy who could manage his stamina better. Stamina management is the key to any fight in a DS game.

But yea, the guy who is complaining is really really good at getting backstabs.

I care only for co-op in multiplayer. Getting summoned and summoning for help, PvP can die. I usually jump of a cliff when invaded or just quit the game.

Yeah, I’m right there with you. I have absolutely no interest in PVP, especially when you throw cheaters into the mix.

Invaders being funneled into coop games is the one thing I’m concerned may ruin the game for me. We’ll see, it depends on how cumbersome it is to get back into a coop session with my friend(s).

The worst part about co-op with @ShivaX in Dark Souls 3 was all the fucking asshole invaders when we were just trying to have fun doing PvE together. When the expansions dropped it was just constant - the only thing we could do was both join whatever covenant summons helpers (blue sentinels?) and we’d almost always kill the invaders before they took out the host (not always) so it was just time wasted, and I hated it.

So yeah, I’ll put cubes of ice in a tall glass of the salty tears shed by PvP players every time I hear it’s harder in Elder Sign, and drink with a satisfied sigh like it’s lemonade on a scorching hot day.