Elden Ring - George R.R. Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki

I am walking proof that you can play it all melee, even if you suck. (If you get the Bloodhound Fang.)

I just started another run. Going south is good advice. Don’t be afraid of over leveling. Collect items as you can sell them to the various merchants. Buy smithing stones from the merchants.

I started as wretched but will probably morph into a strength character.

All of Limgrave, which includes 3 separate monument maps, I include the peninsula…is the baby noob zone. Barring the bears and evergaols.

If you want an edge, just stay in Limgrave. Do a bunch of side dungeons. Kill a bunch of the side bosses. Complete the quests that are there before even approaching Stormwall.

Any suggestions for a starting class based on sorcery

Astrologer I think. Starting class doesn’t matter a whole lot given where your stats end up, but a few of them have advantages starting gear. You just want to focus on whatever your main stat is, i.e. intelligence, strength, etc. ER is a very min/max-y game.

Cheers, started one

Yea, the Astrologer guy. As with all games mages start out weak and squishy. There are things you can go after if you want to look them up.

Huh, I always thought the opposite. That in all FROM games, mages start off the most powerful since they don’t have to get close to the enemy and they can shoot at them from far away and run away when the enemy tries to close the distance.

The opening spells are weak. I guess if you avoid getting hit you will be okay. Also there is the need to level INT instead of Vigor so that your spells are stronger.

Eventually magic is OP.

I do admit to taking the teleportation device to Caelid early on and then working my way west to the white dragon and killing it for the early 75k rune bump. You need a weapon with bleed through. Mace works great.

Prisoner has a GREAT starting spell that creates a little glint in the air and then after a second fires a projectile at an enemy - because of the way enemies auto-dodge upon spell cast, they fail to dodge this one!

I have played multiple DS games and this is my 4th ER play thru. I am going to teach myself to use a heavy weapon two handed. At least that’s my goal.

I used a great sword two-handed with Giant Hunt almost the entire game.

It wasn’t until subsequent playthroughs that I discovered so many great weapon arts like Giant Hunt for myself.

I keep telling myself one of these playthroughs I’m going to learn how to parry.

I have been saying that since my first DS1 play thru.

I feel like it’s weird that we don’t have any real info about the DLC? Isn’t it supposed to be out by the end of the year? Or was that just speculation?

Speculation. No one knows anything beyond the name and the teaser picture.

The speculation has some kind of announcement coming out at some gaming show in December IIRC. But the talk is also that the DLC may be huge.

It will be the first FROM DLC for an open world game. If it’s a new area to explore, I hope it’s the size of Limgrave or Caelid.

And I hope it’s not our for a while. I bet I have to be pretty high level to explore the new area, and my Xbox character didn’t make it too high. My low frame rate PC character has made it to the northern area withe the fall colors I think.

I’d go for a time travel DLC back to Caelid before the scarlet rot. Sort of an inverse of Dark Souls’ DLC.