Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I am just installing this now, will shout if I need anything, looks great and i have been thinking about another game of this. Thanks for the link.

Hah if you aren’t a premium member you have to confirm every download manually. Going to take forever

While the membership page is a bit finicky, the few dollars it costs for a month, is well worth it in this regard!

Pay for one month. Totally worth it.

I updated Keizal’s mod to 5.0 and down the rabbit hole I go again. I don’t know what it is about this game…

Yeah I paid for a month, all ready, having problems getting the game to load though, seems to take ages. I load the mod organiser and then it takes around 5 minutes for the game to load, about to start playing now

It will always take that long to load. Its not built to load 1400 mods, but that what is what the game is doing.

OK Game is started, using the Mara statue should I go for a vanilla start? or does it not matter. Using the vanilla start I got 1 shotted straight away twice.

I tried a few different ones, but settled on the ‘camping in the woods’ start. It’s basically the regular start without having to go through the cart ride and Dragon attack, but it gives you a little foothold in the game (the early quests and opportunity for some early gear)

The other starts I tried were way too hard (shipwreck, left for dead, prison break) it’s a really tough game now, but I’ve slowly been making progress

Edit: thanks for posting about this @milspec I haven’t touched Skyrim in years, this is a lot of fun if you’re willing you persevere.

Oh - I see you decided to go with Serenity 2? thats a requium list, and not something I personally enjoy. Its insanely hard, and based around “realism”, which is what people who have 2000 hours in the regular game often talk about. Not for me.

A lot of the other mods are difficult as well, but they do add a bit more tools (Followers for instance, like Lucien and Inego) to deal with the enhanced difficulty.

My personal recommendation currently is Elysium - still a hard one, especially since game is set at Master from the start, but at least you can dial it down a bit, if you wish. Master, which here is dictated by Wildcat means you deal 1 x damage, and enemies deal 2,5 times damage to you.

I tried that one as it was recommended above and was a 1 click option, I am so fed up downloading loads of mods and getting them to work by which time I stop playing.

Was looking ta 1 click option really

Easiest start for Serenity is the Camping start or a homeowner in Whiterun. Be sure to adventure around Riverwood and Whiterun, they are lower level. Pick components and sell them for cash to buy equipment. Get 1-2 levels from wolves, mudcrabs and opening books. When you are feeling ready then grab a companion from the Riverwood Inn (there are two in town, both free) and then try Embershard Mine (Riverwood) or Hall of the Dead (Whiterun). That will get you to 3rd or 4th level.

I don’t have 2,000 hours in Skyrim. I have 100 hours played, but mostly 5-10 years ago. I am not an expert. I go slow, think things through, and run away often. Which to me feels realistic. :-)

I added two mods that I recommend to others:

Make NPCs miss sometimes with Archery (I choose 3 which means “very difficult” for NPCs or else they are heat seeking missiles)

Give a chance for Followers to be injured or die (or else they are immortal killing machines, Updates in later messages)

ENB is a little technical to get into here. Serenity 2 comes with Rudy’s ENB. I prefer Cathedralist’s ENB 2020. Ask if questions.

I am upped the tension and added a limited death mods. I use 4 deaths, then it locks the save. I also do not reload saves (unless it crashes, which happened once in 20 hours). Only recommend if you like this style.

Started 6th character. An Imperial landowner in Whiterun, “Divinius”. Lived on Speech and Alchemy for a while as a (pretend) merchant in the town. Befriended an old man. Adventure called, and I learned a few destruction spells. We tried to clear an old crypt. The old man used his staff to hold off the skeletons while I kept up a stream of fire on them. It was too much, the old man was not a warrior and he soon fell and died (extra mod). I ran off and sold some of my belongings. I bought basic armor and weapons, and grabbed the stash of potions I had made. I prayed to Arkady for a health blessing and managed to clear the small crypt with my spiked mace and shield. Lonely, I joined a band of warriors who are encouraging me to clear out some bandits. But first I will find a star stone and pray to the warrior constellation. I am a merchant no longer.

Level 3.5, about 3 hours in. Perks: Speech, Alchemy x 2, Destruction, Shield

Does the modlist incorporate mods making followers immortal? because they sure aren’t by default and in fact can die very easily. Usually by running into my line of fire, in my experience. Hence why I usually mod it so they don’t die. (You can’t mod it so they’re smart enough not to commit suicide, sadly.)

I don’t understand. My girlfriend Aela The Huntress totally bit it while we were in a dungeon and got overwhelmed. No mod necessary.

Yes, some can die from friendly fire (only) (updates in later messages). If you sit back and let them tank, they will only take a knee, and then they become invulnerable. If you run in and hit them while they are on one knee then they can die.

The mod allows you to set percentages, and adds a “wounded” state with a multi-day debuff. I use 17% death, 33% wounded (2-20 day debuff) and 50% normal (take a knee).

The details of normal follower death rules: Skyrim:Followers - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)

Are you telling me that I killed Aela? Because I don’t think I can come back from that.

Maybe not? “They can die from a damage-over-time effect that is stronger than their health recovery; most commonly those are caused by poisons.” :-)

Dammit. I can’t even remember where we were, but we WERE getting the shit kicked out of us. I just kept downing potions when I could. And when thendust settled, there was my beloved on the ground. AeLAAAAAAA!

They don’t become invulnerable, they just aren’t targetted by the enemies anymore and start regenerating. If something (e.g. poison, area damage, etc) takes them below 0 health during that time then they die permanently.

Thanks. I agree based on the wiki. I added a note in the previous messages above to look at the later updates.