Election rumor thread

Union leader editor says dem turnout is so huge he’ll be surprised if Bush wins NH:


Call of the obvious states at 7 PM EST for Bush & Kerry, excepting VA. Good sign if that’s close…

Edit: WTF, CNN says SC too close to call?

KY, VA, SC Senate too close to call.


Result links:

VA: http://sbe.vipnet.org/
OH: http://election.sos.state.oh.us/results/SingleRaceSummary.aspx?race=PP
FL: http://enight.dos.state.fl.us/20041102_SUM_PRE.html

NC’s page is usseless, doesn’t include precincts reporting numbers.

Why the hell haven’t they called SC yet? Ah, CBS finally called it.

You guys might want to check out http://www.yahoo.com/

They have Kerry leading, but OH, FL and PA aren’t in yet. It looks like Bush is up in OH and FL.

CNN calls VA for Bush.

North Carolina to Bush too. Projected at least. And Florida isn’t looking great either.

Jason, check that link you gave out for Virginia and look at the Richmond City precinct totals. They look a bit screwy to you?

No real surprises so far.

Get your Florida and Ohio updates here…


Richmond city only has 18,000 votes?


200,000 people according to this. Yeah, wtf is going on there? How does it only have 18,000 votes with 100% reporting?


That’s got to be fucked up. Virginia beach has 500k people and shows 134k votes.

That’s not what I’m talking about - I’m seeing 104,000 registered voters and only 17,000 actually voting too, which seems damned odd considering the lines I saw. But look how the vote supposedly is breaking down.

Bush/Cheney Republican 4,378 24.33%
Write Ins 3,726 20.71%
Badnarik/Campagna Libertarian 3,653 20.30%
Peroutka/Baldwin Constitutional 3,495 19.42%
Kerry/Edwards Democratic 2,743 15.24%
View Results by Precinct Vote Totals: 17,995

Bizarre to say the least. Either that website is completely messed up or there’s something awfully fishy going on.

Can’t say anything about Florida without Broward, Miami-Dade, or Palm Beach reporting. Exit polls look positive for Kerry, but not safe by any means.

Looks like they forgot a bunch of precients or something. Brian, can you call the secretary of states office? If you can get through. :D

I dunno, man. I think someone else must have noticed this by now? Who is sponsoring that website anyhow? I didn’t see any information about contacts.

Nevermind - that’s the official Virginia poll. Holy crap! I’ll make a call and see what I can find out.

That’s the offical VA secretary of state’s results page.


Contact, but may bte too late for phones: http://www.sbe.state.va.us/ContactUs/sbe.map.course.html

Edit: Ah, just bumped to 40k votes and a big-ass Kerry margin. I guess they’re filtering in updates or something?

I predict the guy with the most votes will win… wait, that’s not how it works is it?

The official state websites, in general, seem to be behind the numbers given by the networks. I think they’re not plugged in as well to the actual counting, oddly enough.

They’ve fixed it! whew I was picking up the phone but doublechecked first. Richmond is Kerry country by a mile!

Saletan says Bush has to pretty much do better than his results in jsut about every single exit poll to pull off a win:


And if that were to happen there’d have to be a systematic error.

In Florida in 2000 the systematic error was the butterfly ballot.

I hope the systematic error in 2004 isn’t Diebold messing with the voter machines…

Kerry is cooked :(

Ohio and Florida are deep in his pocket even if the stations won’t call it that way. No way Kerry pulls this off…DAMMIT

I think it’s (probably) safe to call Florida for Bush at this point, but it’s still way too early to say Bush is going to take Ohio.

I do agree that it’s not looking that great at this point though. :(

And can anyone explain the HUGE lead Kerry has in PA?