Elemental single-purpose gameplay thread

I noticed this too, and didn’t know whether it was intentional or not because of how trading works: When you’re trading you can see exactly how much money and the qty of resources the other guy has, information I’d want to keep secret in an MP game anyway.

It’s like espionage, but without all the hassle of hiring spies.

Thanks. That was tripping me up as well.

A little tip regarding moving your army out of a city: hold down Control to select multiple units in a city at once, so they leave it together as one army. The little upward arrow graphic will show that they’re all being selected at once.

Is there any quick way to select them all? Often I’ve got lots.

I’m currently puzzled as to why I am still stuck with Huts in my level 3 cities and can’t build houses. I’m also not sure how to up my Quest Level. It’s currently 2 and I have a bunch of Quest Level 3 treasures around one of bits of territory.

Houses are a technology in the civic tree and huts are automatically upgraded (only if the city has a certain size though).

Quest level is researched in the adventure tech tree.

Aha yes, I see I’m about 3 techs off houses still. Thanks.

Why is it that a lot of the heroes walking around I’m not able to talk to/recruit? Are they members of other factions? How can you tell?

Is there a total number of heroes I can recruit without researching a tech? How can I tell how many I am able to recruit?

No limit on heroes as far as I know and they should have the flag of another faction if they are a member.

In order to recruit you need to have enough money to afford them, and they have to be in your territory or you need a unit adjacent.

Select those wandering heroes and go to their actions tab, then the dialogue button should be grayed out, you can mouse over that box to see why it isn’t letting you speak to them.

In order to start a conversation you need to be able to afford them, if you can’t afford them it will tell you so (through the mouseover) only IF you are adjacent to them, or they are in your territory. If you aren’t close enough (or if they aren’t in your territory) to them it will make you get close enough before it will reveal the price for the hero.

You can recruit them anywhere in the world, if you have a hero (maybe even a basic unit, but I always have heroes with my stacks) adjacent to them.

If you cannot afford them, or they are not in your territory/adjacent you will be stuck interacting with that crossed out thought bubble.

You get Creature-Adventurers out and about (it should call them that in the box bottom right when you mouse over them) that seem to just be wandering hostile enemies.

In my open game it’s been aaaaages since I recruited my first adventurer (after my sovereign and the tutorial guy) lady and I’ve only run into those Creature-Adventurers since. My two stars are now married with two children, and at this rate they’ll be fully grown before I see a wandering recruitable adventurer again.

Edit: Oh I spoke to soon! Excellent. I spy a bard a few hundred yards past this here Gasprib fellow who is about to meet the business end of my roaming skirmish army.

I’ve seen an enchantment limit when I had 5 cast (a mix of Enchantment and Summoning Spells). I tried to cast another summon and it told me that I was at my limit.

I do not remember what my essence or INT was at the time unfortunately. I want to say I was at 11 essence (which might mean essence/2 for enchantment slots), but I’m not positive.


Is anyone building anything other than bowmen? I find that they’re still overpowered. They’ll plink away at larger mobs and once I figure out which unit the AI is focused on, I run that unit around in circles. The AI pursues its original target without taking any swipes at lesser units, which has the strange result of my heroes playing peekaboo with large monsters by hiding behind unarmoured bowmen.
Also, I finally realised what the ‘party’ tech item does. It gets awesome having a unit of bowmen do 30 damage with one attack.

Will you mock me profusely if I say that I’ve yet to use a bowman? I’ve only played two games so far, neither to completion, but Warfare has been the last tree I’ve really worked on researching both times. The game I’m currently playing, I’m finally able to build them and am garrisoning my cities with them, but I haven’t used them in tactical combat yet.

And yes, the Party stuff rocks. One thing, though, in relation to this. I notice that when you group units together like that, they’re one unit for all intents and purposes. I.e., I cast a flame dart at them, they take single damage as a single unit would. This means that standard AOE spells are less effective against a party of 3 than 3 stand-alone units. Fair enough.

However, in looking at the spell Flame Arrow (I think that’s what it’s called), the description says that it hits the entire enemy army. I tested it, and it definitely hits one tile so it doesn’t mean every unit in battle, but the damage seemed fairly low (admittedly it was against a high-defense target). Does that mean that the spell does separate damage rolls to each unit of the party/army?

I mainly research bowmen just to get bows in the store, so I can equip my King and pew pew pew before I use the last 0.00001 of my action points on a fireball or chain lightning. I typically avoid building bowmen because they take so long. But using them the way described above sounds feasible.

According to the manual hotkey list ‘V’ should vacate all units in the city. I haven’t tested it.

on Elemental IRC , Brad has announced they are building the Day 0 patch. Around 2 or so hours till it goes live .

I am glad I held off on starting up the campaign.

Just in time for me to get home… thank you for the heads up!

Two hours minimum. Specific estimates like that always seem to run at least 1+ hours later than expected. I hope this isn’t one of those times though.

I think bowmen max out on their effectiveness relatively early. AFAIK the best bow in the game is the Cedar Longbow with an attack of 6. Right now my best armored knights have a defense of 33 and if I could get my hands on some Elementium special metal, I could boost it up to 40 and maybe even higher if I really focused on just building defense.

An attack value of 6 is not going to have all that much luck against something with a defense value of 40. In contrast to the Cedar Longbow’s 6 attack, the best melee weapons I’ve seen is “The Lord Hammer” with an attack of 40.