Elon Musk goes Off the Rails


My dad loved Elon Musk and finally getting a Tesla was one of his proudest moments. I’m kinda glad he didn’t live to see this.

Musk, like Trump, will incriminate himself if you just keep him talking.

Also, like Trump, there will likely never be any consequences for his actions.

Ia! Ia! Musk phftaghn!

President Musk 2032, you heard it here first.

Also, one of these kerfuffles needs to end up with the moniker Elongate. The penis one, I’d think.

ETA: dammit.

It feels like he caught whatever brainworms Kanye has.

You guys all laugh, but the now inevitable Musk Presidency is guaranteed to include gulags.

Would require a Constitutional amendment since Musk was born in South Africa.

The elongate joke is good, I’m not gonna lie.

“They encouraged her to get licensed as a masseuse, but on her own time, on her own dime,” the friend said. “They implied that she would get to fly more often if she were to do this because she’d be able to give Elon proper massages. I thought that was kind of strange because — you weren’t hired to be a masseuse. You were hired to be a flight attendant. And if Elon likes massages, then he should be paying for you to go to masseuse school. But she was just so happy and eager to have the job and be able to travel.”

Pretty crazy to have the richest man in the world force you to pay for your own massage school, and then when you graduate he demands a handy instead

Is he still the richest man in the world? Tesla’s lost like 30% of it’s value in the last month.

But the guys below him are Bezos and Gates, so they’re not immmune either.

And the corollary: “Don’t you think that if I’d paid other people to shut up, they’d have said something?”

Maybe he was thinking more in the terms of “well, you seem kind of disappointed with what you’ve seen, so let me show you a horse’s!”

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing?

I had no idea this is what “I have to see a man about a horse” meant.