Endless Legend - Fantasy 4X TBS from Endless Space devs

Sounds cool! I really like the limited cities thing. Looking forward to learning more.

Looking good. I particularly like the UI. It appears both functional and out of the way. These guys really seem to have it together.

i’m also really looking forward to this: i really like ES (though I held off and got it later rather than earlier), and before Brian slaps me, DW was my game of the year 2010

If Rob Zacny is optimistic about this game than my curiosity is piqued. I initially enjoyed Endless Space, but my enjoyment became more muted after about a dozen hours.

Oh, I didn’t even realize Rob Zacny wrote that preview that I linked. Now I’m going to have to go back and reread it in his voice.

I’m quite excited.

Looks interesting. Like the art style.

I got a chance to sit down with this at Pax. I liked what I saw and forgot to mention the tech tree on the podcast. It looks like they intend to narrow it down early (into eras) that will keep the player focused. That is a welcome change from Endless space, which I liked, but that tech tree just made me feel lost.

I only got a brief look at the quest system, so can’t speak to if it is as dynamic as claimed in the IGN video.

The winter mechanic looked neat and will likely present tough situations for the player if they implement like they claim. It is all early, so the build I saw had lots of placeholder art. The menus are still a bit clinical and cold for my taste, but that isn’t a deal breaker. I liked enough of what I saw to be on board for release. Odd that we get such a wealth of fantasy 4x games all of a sudden.

Looks good, but the zoom-out-to-a-cloth-map gimmic is already starting to feel overused.

I think the cloth map is one of those things that will always be around now that it has been “invented”. It is helpful, and if a dev omits it, they probably would hear about it more than adding it as a feature.

I remember when every game had its own way of exiting until some standards started to appear (Alt Q, Alt E, and now probably hit ESC to see the menu).

Maybe it isn’t a gimmick, but a nice functionality.

A zoomed out map is only marginally useful anyways so why not have a cloth map, especially for an fantasy or historical type game. It fits the theme.
This game looks really great so far!

I just hope they can get their act together with the AI. It was almost non-existent in Endless Space.

Bam, $26 early access alpha.

Great screenshots, too.

I’m gonna sit this one out and wait to hear about AI competence (or lack thereof) before jumping in. I sure hope some of my fellow Qt3ers will take one for the team, though. :)

I don’t know why this is tempting since I generally get nothing out of early access stuff(and didn’t get my moneys worth out of Endless Space) but if anyone pulls the trigger I’d love to hear some impressions.

From the Steam page:

What content you will find in the Alpha Early Access:
A core AI that will simulate a bunch of leaders who probably skipped way too many courses to go brawling in their youth


I saw that and am cautiously optimistic that it just means that the A.I. only know how to wage war,since that’s the only victory condition and there’s no real diplomacy yet. If the discount was more than $8 I’d be downloading it by now, but for that I’ll wait for impressions. Besides, GMG will probably have it in a couple of days and probably with a 20% discount code to boot, so I (think) I can hold off.

That’s a quite a difference between the normal game offer and the “Founder” level.