Essential Oils And Other Holistic Bullshit

If you strike them down… Will they come back stronger? No, that can’t be right.

Slap some stickers on their corpses and see if it magicifies their essence or whatever.

Slap those stickers on 20 liters of water and make them drink it all, as fast as possible. Imagine how healthy they will be.

Whoever wrote that copy missed their calling writing for Star Trek.

Can they be sued for false advertising and paying for fake results? So sick of these assholes getting rich off scamming people who can’t think critically (which is at least half this country now).

I know, right?

This seems like the most blatant lying-as-advertising I’ve ever seen. It isn’t even testimonial based, which is the usual way to avoid making specific claims. Its possible theres just enough of a kernel of truth to each individual claim in isolation that it isn’t illegal, but I don’t really know.

Assuming they actually studied something at all and aren’t just lying, my guess is that they tested for a huge number of factors, and eventually found some that showed results like what they wanted via random variation. I.e. the trials would be impossible to reproduce. Small sample sizes, and we don’t know how many attempts they made before getting the results they wanted.

So an old friend of ours, who is now a vicious trumper, anti-vaxxer, and refuted modern medicine for scammy homeopaths who use those electricity reading devices to diagnose and treat ailments, had a stroke. Apparently he has high cholesterol, knew it, and went the homepoath route anyways. Ironic he goes to the emergency room for a stroke instead of his brilliant homeopath. The doctors tell him he has two options going forward. Take real medicine or die. Choice is his.

Be good if he took the 2nd option, but I bet when his continued miserable existence is on the line, he’ll suddenly become a socialist atheistic science believer. Because I bet he wants a doctor (science) to save his life, seeing as God aint gonna do that for him (atheism) and he’d be damn happy if the state were to pay the doctor instead of having to scupper his kids’ education fot it!

Kinda like the reverse of “there are no atheists in foxholes” ;-)

Ironic you hit one of the things about him I didn’t mention. Yes, he is a rabid fundamentalist religious sort, who, being a trumper, does the exact opposite Jesus said to do while proclaiming his people are the only real Christians. If he softens at all due to this experience, it will probably be lost if he recovers. He’s that kind of person. Very sad as they were great friends of our family growing up. But he’s Fox News addict and when that network gained traction, he went deep and never came up for air. He’s full of hate and anger towards anyone who’s not a white right-wing radical.

If you have to have contact with him, try and get him to say he’d love to not pay through the nose for the doctor. Just lead him carefully and emphatically towards a point where you have him say “I think healthcare should be freely accessible to me” and then ask him how? well the state perhaps? BAM you a socialist boy!
Have the red army choir singing the internationale primed on your phone so all you have to do is press play. The fun :D

Please tell him I said his mother once met a very handsome Mexican milkman when she was feeling lonely.

I hate Facebook so much:

Seems like my deadly traps plan at work.

If I could ensure only these people died, it’d be great if they all got coronavirus.

I don’t often start the day reading how someone on the internet thinks it would be a good for me to die of Covid-19, but it is certainly original.

Thanks @rei.

As for Thieves Purifier, yeah it’s about as effective as using Purell to stop Covid-19. And they got slapped down by the FDA for making similar claims. It’s one of those examples of hypocrisy, where no body cares if a big company does it, but if an person with an MLM gets it wrong, God damn you.

No, not EO users in general but hockers of the MLM versions but pitch their version as a magical woo ward against Covid-19. Don’t misrepresent my hate against the MLM EO brigade as an imagined slight against you.

Since my wife sells and endorses it over Purell (which is available in every hospital in America), I don’t think changes all that much.

You wishing the death of my wife instead of me, so I guess fair play to you that it’s different.

Let me ask you this, if it was the same words, but they used Purell instead of Thieves, would you be reacting in the same way?

No, Purcell’s ethyl alcohol is not equal or inferior in anti bacterial removal effectiveness to Thieves’ “natural” active ingredient woo. I’m not answering your loaded bullshit bait question as to whether or not an intentional exaggeration of wishing actual death is the literal truth. I believe MLM sellers are victims who are duped by the ones actually making money at the top of the pyramid scheme. Go pretend to be offended or slighted at something less imagined or delusional. Unless you also believe in a magic being in the sky and homeopathic water concentrations in which case this thread should be moved to P&R where I wish Covid-99 would literally infect all of the whites house administration.

Those that pitch any sanitizer, Purell or Thieves or EOs as a cure or ward against coronavirus are idiots full stop. Not as a simple step in keeping hygienic against infection.

Look at the thread topic: most of us believe the belief in EOs beyond fragrance reasons are duped into overpaying for a predatory scheme.

The main active ingredient in Thieves Purifier is ethyl alcohol, you realize that, don’t you? It’s the same active ingredient in Purell, but comes with essential oils. That’s why it is called Waterless. It’s made with denatured Alcohol. No good against viruses, but the only common thing that helps in that case is soap and water, but good enough to stop a lot of germs and bacteria.

Check the ingredients.

As for comparing it to homeopathic crap, that’s a loud of crap and really low. I don’t believe essential oils are some sort of miracle cure, but my own experience with it has been very much positive. Obviously, without rigorous testing, I won’t make any claims beyond that (except their pain relief cream, which is certified and does work) but I do understand the limits of what can be said or done.

In this case, the ad seems completely benign. Its no different from Purell, which every hospital and medical location has. It’s a good anti bacteria spray to use during any season. It’s no replacement for using soap and water to clean you hands thoroughly though, but it’s no cause to claim that people should die over it especially not the spouses of people on this forum.

As for it’s uses beyond it’s smell, again, there isnt much research one way or the other (except their pain relief cream).