Evil CBS tv show

Missed the first couple of episodes, the rest are on the tivo. Worth jumping in?

Still watching. I’m the opposite, as much as I like Michael Emerson I can’t stand his arc in this show, it’s stupid and feels like a waste of his talents.

I do like where they are going with the sigils, the codex and the increase in demonic activity. I like the trio as investigators, and I wish the show would focus on that and the overall “evil is getting stronger” plot instead of trying to shoehorn in the Leyland character and his ridiculous fixation on the lead woman and her family. Also, the incel stuff in this past episode was just dumb.

I stopped after the google home thingy. Still recording it in case you guys say it gets great.

I can still see this getting the season 2 axe, even if they said they renewed it. :P

Yeah that was dumb. The last couple episodes were disappointing. I just want xfiles episode of the week ‘monsters’. An overall conspiracy can be good, I’m guessing Leyland is fully possessed, or believes to be, and is playing out that thing… what with the flaming bed.

The strength of the show is that it can be creepy, but it hasn’t been that scary since episode 4 or 5 (the one with the psychotic kid). So far its on par with most above average shows, though wouldn’t be surprised if it loses its steam… which it seems to have the last couple weeks.

who knows, who cares if it gets cancelled… unless it’s REALLY good, why give a shit.

This most recent episode was completely off the rails. Kristen and David go off to investigate an artist (who is also David’s dad) who has been incorporating a sigil into his paintings, and they end up high as balls at a party where the participants summon ancestral spirits. Forget the awkward and awful sexual tension between the two characters for a moment and focus instead on the complete ridiculousness of Kristen witnessing David’s dad’s girlfriend giving birth to a skeletal monstrosity in a cornfield and not saying a word about it to David or anyone else for the entire rest of the show. Like what the actual fuck?! Wouldn’t that have both sobered you up lightning fast and be the ONLY thing you could possibly think about for like DAYS afterwards?!

Yep I watched it last night and I am pretty sure this show is one of the worst I’ve ever watched.

Yes. Given the decent plotlines of the previous episodes, this one felt like fan fiction in comparison.

It turns out that playing WWII strategy games and listening to this show in the background is my comfort food. I’m kind of loving it as the ultimate Boomer-TV, where everything new or different that the youths are into is because of the Devil.

You would be correct. That episode was crap. The show hasn’t blown me away ( except for the episode with the sociopathic child ) but it’s been serviceable, until that episode which almost completely obliterated my will to watch another episode. Hopefully they can redeem themselves but they are on very shaky ground at this point.

I agree, that episode was horrible.

So in episode 9 , Flannery O’Connor is mentioned, which amused me as the only other time I’ve heard of her was during a games podcast, where I think @tomchick mentioned her writing.

Episode 9 was … better than the previous one, but thats not saying much.

You know how I know you’re not a southerner?

Or someone who had an American Lit class… ;)


It’s OK.

I was in my English 189 class at Mizzou in 20th Century Lit when I discovered that Flannery O’Connor was, in fact, a woman. So yeah.

Finished up the final episode, and while it was probably one of the better episodes, the creepy song being so catchy was interesting… but I don’t want another season of this, lol.

It has improved since that horrible acid trip episode. That may be because they have used Michael Emerson more. His puppet mastery has been interesting.

It also appears that Evil has been doing ok in the ratings as they have already renewed it for season 2. It’s just my opinion but they need to roll back on the sexual attraction thing between the two leads. I dont think its working nor does it add much to the plot of the show.

Ok so it really improved since it returned in the new year, its actually… good now? What? Nurse squeaky shoes was a great episode.

I agree, however the end of the most recent episode was…uh…let’s just say I’m hoping that was Leyland’s delusional psyche constructing an elaborate hallucination we saw at the end there. If that was supposed to be real…Baphomuppet? well, I may have to LOL this show right off my DVR if that’s the case. We will see where it goes.