Extremetech closing up shop

So I am guessing you were NOT aware of this development until just now.

Also, the powers that be edited my column. Through the morning, the opening graph read:

“ExtremeTech will be folding up its tent this Friday, June 26th. The current staff: writers Jason Cross and Joel Durham, producers Jeremy Atkinson and Michael Nguyen, our enthusiastic forum moderator, Jim Lynch, plus your truly, will be leaving Ziff-Davis.”

I later changed it to read:

“ExtremeTech, as it exists today, will be folding up its tent this Friday, June 26th. The current staff: writers Jason Cross and Joel Durham, producers Jeremy Atkinson and Michael Nguyen, our enthusiastic forum moderator, Jim Lynch, plus your truly, will be leaving Ziff-Davis.”

Now it reads:

"ExtremeTech is changing. The current staff: writers Jason Cross and Joel Durham, producers Jeremy Atkinson and Mike Nguyen, our enthusiastic forum moderator, Jim Lynch, plus your truly, will be leaving Ziff-Davis at the end of this week. Executive Editor Jeremy Kaplan (former editor of ExtremeTech Magazine) will take over management and editorial direction for the site. "

That was not a change that I made.

They’re calling it a “site” even though I’ve been told on more than one occasion it will be a “Blog”. I realize a blog is technically a web site, but I’ve tended to use it as something more meaty. I actually don’t think they have any idea what to do with it currently, though they are going to keep it alive in some form.

I do feel for Jeremy Kaplan, though – he’s a good guy, very smart, with good technical instincts and lots of enthusiasm. But he’s already got a ton of stuff on his plate.

Oh I was…I’m just…that statement…I’d better take the better part of valor here and shut the hell up.

I’m officially in “Slag Ziff-Davis and boycott to hell and back mode.”

This is a corporation that the world would seriously be better without. Everything they touch dies.

Very, very sorry to hear this, I hit ET every single day. The fact that it in later years combined my two favorite tech writers from the halcyon PC mag years was a nice bonus. Good luck finding new jobs/careers, guys.

Oh, yeah, contact info:

Of course, you can PM me here.

I’m also at loydcase at geemail.com

Plus on twitter: http://twitter.com/loydcase

Plus Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/loyd.case

Finally, LinkedIn as just Loyd Case

Late hearing the news (where the hell was I!?) but I have to add that I’ll definitely miss the old ExtremeTech and the folk that are heading out into the big world. It’s been one of my favorite tech sites over the years.

Hope to see y’all land in good places.

ExtremeTech was the site that all those years ago got me interested in PC hardware. In particular, it was Lloyd Case’s articles about the internals of a PC that really started to get me interested in this whole thing. My Dad would bring home 10 page printouts of the articles (there were 7 or 8 articles in the series, over the course of a few months from memory) and I’d read them and then refer back to them as newer articles came out.

The periodic “$x machines” articles have also been great for me. As my hardware knowledge atrophied in the months following my latest system build it was those lists that gave me a place to begin, when building a cheap PC for my parents or a gaming rig for my brother.

So thanks ET, I’ll certainly miss you.

Case, you should obscure your email address somehow so it’s not easily picked up by spambots. I’m gonna miss you…

It’s not like boycotting Ziff-Davis is HARD nowadays, since they’ve sold or killed every product I ever used to buy from them. Oh, I’ll still read PCMag.com, but I’ll do so with AdBlocker active. Bwahahahahahah!

Ridiculous that Paidcontent ran that spin “story” without doing any reporting or fact-checking. Guess those are passe nowadays.

Or copy editing.

Sorry to hear the news - I’ve always really enjoyed eveything Jason and Loyd have done over the years, at Extremetech, CGW, Computer Games, GameSpot and OGR. Best of luck with new opportunities that I’m sure will arise.

This was by far my most frequently visited computer tech site, so it pains me to see it go. Good luck to all you guys.

I just got my 1st ever Extreme Tech Weekly Newsletter, via email. I don’t recall ever signing up for such a thing. I imagine they got my email address when I created an account to post on the comments for articles. Has this been around, or are they choosing this moment to start marketing the new ET blog as they close down the old operation?

We’ve always had newsletters (but you should have been able to opt out of it.) I don’t know the process for opting out after they start arriving, though. I’ve always let my producers handle those, since they’re more marketing fluff than content. They were useful in driving up traffic, though.

I don’t object to the idea of an ET newsletter, it’s just an odd time to receive my 1st one.

I loved ExtremeTech. Tom’s Hardware got too frilly, losing its hardware, tech roots. ExtremeTech gave me information about hardware.

Now all I have to look forward to is [H]ard|OCP.

I’m going to miss the podcast even more than the site.

Is there another informative tech podcast that really talks tech, instead of going off on 10-minute tangents and bullshit like “Gordon’s rants?” I love Maximum PC mag, but their podcast is annoying as hell. (Or it was last year when I gave up on it.)

Personally, I think Gordon Mah Ung is a personable dude, and I get a kick out of his rants.

That said, The Tech Report puts out a pretty decent podcast. It’s a bit bottlenecked because they have a non-techie podcast producer host the show, but when he steps out of the way, the site authors get down to business and are very knowledgeable.

Same here. It was just an easy podcast to listen too.