Failing Trump administration. Sad!

Shall we prepare fainting couches for Congresscritters to waft onto in anfit of complete despair at the state of discourse in the country?

You go girl!

As a (just) dessert for that video…

… at a Mexican restaurant, no less.

(Countdown to someone being very, very concerned that a white person can be yelled at in public merely for separating thousands of kids from their parents and putting them into cages…)

She’s only doing her job! Like those honorable German fellows my granddad told me about.

MXDC, for those who may be curious

Anyone in this Admin eating at a Mexican joint is apparently not afraid of spit in their food.

I guess they’re all Farva. As long as you get their liter of cola right, spit and the like doesn’t phase em.

Every damn DC establishment should refuse service to these assholes.

But then how can we yell at them face to face and have our voices heard and headlined after the exchange?

I’d rather they stay welcome, but choose to cower and hide.

But then they’d have to stop serving Paul Ryan, and McConnell and Banon and all the oil lobbyists and the Koch Brothers and Mercers and wait… you may be on to something here.


Well, when you’re as full of shit as he is…

Someone get the man some choggle pants.


Sir, with all due respect, THESE are SPACE PANTS (a memorably absurd SNL sketch if there ever was one):

I know, was on my phone and couldn’t wangle the proper image :(

How much money are they wasting doing this?

Is telling a politician to go fuck himself a crime now? Or… already?

Yes. The capital police is looking for the intern who yelled “Mr. President, fuck you.”

Another case, this retired librarian was charged (case thrown out but still, arrested, have to get lawyer etc etc) for … snickering at Sessions:>

"While speaking in support of Sessions, Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) said that his Senate colleague’s ‘extensive record of treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well-documented.’

"At that line, Fairooz let out two snorts of laughter.

"Fairooz, a retired Arlington County children’s librarian, was sitting in the audience with five other activists, all dressed in pink Lady Liberty costumes. They were from Code Pink, a left-wing social justice organization. Before the hearing began, a Capitol Police officer had warned the group to stay quiet and keep their protest signs down. Fairooz said she complied with the order.

" ‘I let out an involuntary laugh, or more of a chortle of disdain,’ in response to Shelby’s statement, Fairooz told WAMU. ‘We were not warned not to laugh.’

“According to court documents, a Capitol Police officer approached her and attempted to escort her out of the room. When she refused, three officers pulled her out of the room as she continued to protest.”
