Failing Trump administration. Sad!

The Fed does not report to the President. A real economist would never even suggest that That guy is such a political hack it’s ridiculous. Good for her.

Wow… he totally lies about the Volcker Rule at the end there. Was he just making things up?

Yes, basically everything he said is a lie.
And she’s totally right, he, specifically, was calling for higher interest rates during Obama’s term, threatening that we were going to have hyper-inflation.

I hear they’re writing a book called The Truth from Trump. It’s two cardboard covers glued together.

… and before the day is out:

He’s totally different from Trump. Romney’s camp prisons for children separated from their families would allow for TWO hours of exercise and activity instead of just ONE.

So, I can look past the fact that he wrote his good bye note in red crayon, but did he really write an at-sign? Why? WHY? Forget corruption, guy should be in prison just for that. HE WROTE THE AT SIGN ON A HAND WRITTEN NOTE.

He should have just written it was his high honor to scam that American people, the end.

Craven right on schedule.

I mean, if you can’t stand up to Trump over something as idiotic as a border wall that will never work, what will you stand up to him about?

Seriously Romney is Ronna’s uncle, WTF. I’ll never understand what’s in the Koolaid the Trump Republican drink

If you actually listen to the answer he gives, it’s a bit more nuanced than the clickbait headline.

He basically describes “the wall” as exactly what Democrats support, which is just border security made up of some combination of “walls, fences, technology, and natural barriers”.

No one actually opposes that.

It’s like you don’t even love me anymore.

The Dukes created a rift. I’m going to need time.

That accurately depicts the gastronomical impact of eating Duke’s.

This guy isn’t standing up to anyone. This entire CNN spiel is basically an unwillingness to stand behind what he wrote earlier. The president has his negotiating style does he Romney? Is that the immoral style you don’t like or the one that told you to get your ass back in line?

Doesn’t this picture say everything?

Romney wants a cabinet appointment so he’s dining with the devil – all Trump needs is the horns, his knowing expression is so gleeful – and Romney looks like a guy ready to dip his spoon into a bowl of MAGA shit and swallow it. Yeah, he’s ready to eat shit with a spoon.

Don’t ever count on him doing the right thing. Put your money on him being willing to put his thumbs on your eyes and squeeze them out of your sockets if it benefits him and his elites.

But he made a point of saying he’d vote for ‘the wall’. Why do that if you aren’t signaling the pitchfork-carrying Republican base? And if no one opposes ‘border security’, what’s to vote for? The government already has unspent money for border security.

He’s dog-whistling.

I assume he has calculated that his last chance to ever become president is to be grown-up enough to appeal to the sane republican voters + right-leaning independents, while simultaneously signaling to the Trumpsters that he would continue (and maybe even successfully implement) Trump’s policies.

It will never work, because the Trumpsters do not respond to calm support for Trump’s shitty policies - they respond to the actual shittiness of Trump himself.