Fall 2014: XOne or PS4?


My kids are about grown out of the old Wii. It was good while it lasted but time for me to have some fun too.

Which current gen console should I get - price isn’t a serious consideration, ease of setup and use is, as well as availability of games that kids can play (multiplayer that’s somewhat kid safe would be a plus). Kids are 8 and 10, don’t play much except Minecraft, the Lego games, and Just Dance.

I probably won’t buy until just before Christmas because that’s when I’ll get a new screen as well.

Wii U. No Minecraft, bafflingly, but it has an exclusive LEGO game (which Tom Chick loved), Just Dance, and (in my opinion) more actual interesting exclusives available right now than are even announced for Xbone or PS4. It also plays Wii games, so you’ll want to keep your existing library and controllers. (Keep the controllers regardless, since the Wii U uses them for a lot of its own games.)

Pretty much my position as well. I already have a WiiU you and Nintendo killed it at E3 for games in the immediate future so I’ll probably just WiiU until late 2015. Eventually I will get a PS4, but I will probably wait a bit. Really I kinda hope I can hol dout for the first hardware revision since that’s generally Sony’s best version of their consoles.

Thanks. I’ll wait for a good WiiU sale and grab it.

Refurbished Wii U Deluxe direct from Nintendo for $200. Includes a disc copy of Nintendo Land (which is quite good as a local co-op game) and the same one-year warranty you’d get buying it new.

I bought one and it looked great and works fine. Great price for the system, and it has a number of good exclusives and kid-friendly games, even if current third party support is lacking. Mario Kart 8 was by far the most popular game at our summer beach house week this year.

And it could tide you over until an XB1/PS4 price drop happens sometime in late 2015 or 2016 (guessing of course).

I’ve thought about that a few times, but am holding out hope for an aggressive holiday bundle. Being $100 cheaper than a new system doesn’t sound as nice when you realize that the retail bundle has $70 worth of games I would actually want to buy (NSMBU + NS Luigi U), and Nintendo Land has never sounded all that appealing and can be found much cheaper anyway.

I wonder who the 2 people are that bought the XBONE?

I wonder if they actually went through with the purchase. I picked PS4 in the poll, but cancelled my pre-order and didn’t get around to buying it until May. XBone got bought last month, and only then because a bonus fell into my lap.

I know that I went with the PS4 first to send MS a message about what I thought about their download-only $500 voice-recognition TV remote, but I wonder how many other early adopters based their decision on the 2013 E3 presentations.

The poll is for Fall 2014, on which one to buy in the future, not which one you already own.

I owned both in Winter 2013, and think they’re both pretty good choices by now. If you’re a racing fan like me, and have to choose one, the choice is really easy. Forza 5 is the best in the series, and I bet Forza Horizon 2 will top it. But racing fans are a rare breed these days, so I didn’t vote in the poll. It just depends on too many factors to give flat advice like this to someone on which one to get in Fall 2014.

How has Xbox’s Games with Gold thing been going, anywhere near the value of PS+?

Nope. From what I hear, they’re actually repeating games for GwG now.

GwG and PS+ are both pretty weak on their respective current-gen consoles compared to how PS+ was when it was only for PS3 and Vita. Part of that is me speaking as someone who only owns a PS3 and a Vita, though, because we get fewer PS3 games now to balance out the PS4 content, and the games haven’t appealed to me as much as they did before. (Next month on PS+ is particularly bad for me, because I already own all but two of the games included, and one of the ones I already have is rather disliked, which doesn’t help for getting new players regardless of how much I like it myself.)