Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

Elite Dangerous is P2P and is basically an MMO.

Elite: Dangerous sucks sweaty genitals, too

I thought E:D was completely serverside?

Warframe is also P2P. I don’t really consider it a MMO, but the same is true in my mind for FO76, Ark, Elite, etc.

Hi there - Welcome to Qt3! Please be aware that crankiness, sarcasm and general games scorn may be side effects of prolonged exposure!

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So I bought this game for 10 bucks on a whim about 6 weeks ago. I purchased it despite the overwhelming bad reviews and word of mouth because I’m a sucker for anything Fallout.

… and holy shit. This is my game of the year. What a fantastic game. It’s so much fun. The world, oh the world is gorgeous. It’s so intricate and detailed. I think it’s the best Fallout world Bethesda have created. I’ve had so much fun just exploring.

Then you add in the resource collecting, the base building, the crafting. I love, love the gameplay loop. The gunplay is pretty good too. Fallout 76 is absolutely awesome. Why didn’t anyone tell me? :)

Sorry, but Fallout 76 came out last year (that’s 2018 for all you people reading this 20 years from now). It won’t qualify for a 2019 GOTY Award, no matter how many people will inevitably try to vote for it.

Because it’s Fallout 4 with the same bugs tethered to always online and no NPCs.

Strangely I didn’t enjoy Fallout 4 much at all because of the way it rail-roaded you into a really dumb storyline right from the outset. I found many of the quests to be really obnoxious. The base building was half-baked. Fallout 76 seems to be a superior version.

I’ve found I don’t miss having NPCs at all. If anything it has increased my enjoyment in a way I find difficult to articulate. It’s something about being the only survivor in the wasteland. There are no friendly faces to be found. It feels truly post apocalyptic. Just a lone drifter trying to survive.

I should note that I’m playing entirely solo using the private server option.

Here’s my modest base. I’m still pretty low level (27) so nothing swanky yet.

Yeah, Bethesda has been comically bad at managing the game in so many ways, but I never understood the level of hate leveled at the game. I found it to be close to a coop Fallout 4 experience, which is something I’ve been wanting for a long time. Yes, it includes all the jank and clunk of a Bethesda game, but it also includes a lot of the good things too.

It’s far jankier, and not fixed for a longer time, than any other Bethesda game ever released, and I’m including Daggerfall in that. If you enjoy the gameplay that’s great, but its technical faults are legion.

The game gave me a lot of fun hours out of the gate, despite the level of ass-hattery Zenimax and Bethesda have engaged in. Not to mention the technical issues and other jankiness, of course. All of which makes the dumpster fire this game is that much more frustrating, as with a different mindset and some TLC this could have been a fabulous Fallout 5.

You can do that? Is that an official mode, or some sort of mod/hack? Are you missing out on any gameplay systems when you don’t have other players present?


That was one of the touted features of the Fallout 1st subscriptions. Those cost $13 a month I believe.

Wait, you have to pay $13 a month to play without other people? You’ve gotta be pulling my leg.


Yep. The fake website Kerzain posted was perfect.

That’s fucking dumb to have to shell out additional privilege for that

It’s an official mode. You miss nothing (as far as I know) and you can switch from private to public server at any time. You also get added goodies like unlimited crafting storage and a 2nd free fast travel point (survival tent).

Yes, It’s completely ridiculous ;)
I just squint my eyes a lot and pretend I’m paying for an MMORPG subscription.

You’re renting your own private 8-player server. From that perspective, it’s not much different than what you would need to do with Ark or Conan Exiles (those do allow you to host your own server if you have the hardware and upload bandwidth to do so, though). Of course, that calculus is a bit different if you just want to play completely alone.

Like everything else about this game Bethesda does it in about the worst way possible, but as someone who has paid for and hosted an Ark server (and Battlefield, back in the day) for my friends, it’s not completely out of left field for me.