Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

Yeah, I was thinking more on the login server / authentication side, or something in their infrastructure that tracks all these instances. Maybe a database issue or some bottleneck where all these individual servers need to communicate back to.

Let’s be honest, nothing about Fallout 76 seems to be particularly well-thought out or executed along best practices in the industry. :)

Bethesda, where even the launch times are bugged…

True 'dat.

Sweet! The in-game cash shop is open for business!

500 Atoms : $4.99 / £3.99
1000 Atoms (+100): $9.99 / £7.99
2000 Atoms (+ 400): $19.99 / £15.99
4000 Atoms (+ 1000): $40.00 / £31.99

You forgot the BEST VALUE label on the most expensive option.

Looks like it’s all just cosmetics and emotes and stuff, or has that changed in the last 10 days? If so, I’m super happy I can completely ignore it.

Nope, it’s all cosmetic and basically fine.

You supposedly earn atoms through normal gameplay too, although obviously you won’t be able to buy everything unless you grind like a madman.

I’m surprised they don’t have the normal $99 option.

I’ve got about 500 atoms in approx. 3 hours of play. I’m mostly aimlessly wandering as well so I could have more if I’d focused on questing, as it does appear to be a reward for missions and events.

You get them for achievements, and you get a lot of achievements when you start playing for the first time you do stuff. From what I read, anyway.

It’s like most games (f2p or not) with in-game stuff to buy. The first hit is going to be very easy to get. Hell, some of them literally just “gift” you a small amount of fun-bucks and walk you through the process of buying some cheap knick-knack.

Hey can anyone tell me how I pull my photos to a local machine from in game?

Everyone don’t forget to look at the ground for better framerates!


Ah, memories of EQ and DAOC raids where you healed by looking at the floor and clicking on the UI of a healing mod, in order to avoid a pure slide show.

If your FPS is borked go from borderless to full screen.

I cannot believe how much time I spent with Fallout 4 and just cannot imagine playing this. How’s it doing? I mean if it ends up good I’ll run in but it just looked so messy. But the scenery looks nice and well it is the first Fallout to actually take place nearby …

I’ll get it when it goes on sale. Probably in a few weeks. It’s ok, but not super pressing when I have Hitman and RDR2

This looks really bad.

I love those mini RP communities that often form in online games:

So Many A True Nerd decided to build a camp specifically for newbies.

You have all of the basic necessities there: a purified water pump, a cooking station, and various workbenches to craft supplies. This, on its own, isn’t difficult to find in the overworld or even make yourself, but Many A True Nerd went further than that: anyone who walks by his camp gets offered free bespoke weapons, armor, and even free ammo. It’s wonderful.

Many A True Nerd is not alone in this sort of generosity. Last night, I was going around offering free beers to players around me. Other Fallout veterans, like Reddit user omnipsycho, are welcoming new players by building communities where people can meet and group up.

It’s really not. It’s basically the roaming parts of Fallout 4, with the rare player you see on the map.

The game hasn’t blown my socks off or anything but it’s not that bad, and it’s a lot more Fallout 4ish than I expected.