Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

Game is pretty decent. It definitely feels like playing Fallout 4 without the freebie fast travel (you have to pay credits to fast travel). There are a lot of clever mechanics that I think alot of survival games should borrow, mainly the camping and where you place is big. You can place your camp almost anywhere or on predetermined areas, which then leads to the pvp mechanic. Since dying isn’t a big deal, and you don’t lose much in pvp, I can see this game actually lasting longer since it isn’t so punishing… seems to be a love it hate it game.

I had a decent night playing this last night, but didn’t feel that “must play!” compulsion I usually get with a new game. I will say I’ve never seen a survival game with this many quests in it (any quests in it?) And every time I do one, I end up with two more. I’ts kind of odd, because I really don’t know where to start a base, or why I would bother at the beginning. Base building is usually the bread n butter of survival games, and so far there isn’t much need.

That exactly describes my experience. It’s been a decent experience, but there’s been no hint of a hook for me.

I may have accidentally joined a secret super hero group, the army, kickstarted the raiders and joined the firefighters and a responder group. And only now I am figuring out these are supposed to be intro quests for these factions. This weekend I will try to join the enclave and figure out my build.

I dont want to move my base anymore. My base is next to the deathclawd island and is basically a deathclaws poacher base.

I am in love with this game, no reason.

A few hours in…

It’s Fallout 4.5, with other human beings running around, most of whom ignore each other (at this point).

There are concessions to online play with local events and stuff.

All the expected jank and cruft from the beyond-creaky underlying engine is there. I had the game soft lock last night just looking at a monitor, because the controlling script broke.

What surprising is how little the game is surprising. It’s exactly what you’d expect. Skyrim with guns, now with other people.

Crafting has been expanded a bit in terms of stuff you can make etc. but the kludgy, awful, no-good UI has not changed one whit.

The world-building, Bethsoft’s strength, is present and accounted for.

The other people part:

  • PVP not enabled until level 5
  • “Accidental” shooting does limited damage unless the shootee shoots back, then it’s full Dick Cheney time
  • Something along the lines of the above murderousness results in an area-wide and very publicly-announced “Wanted” status.

Jim Sterling is, not surprisingly, not a fan.

Servers going down is one thing, hey, it was launch day right? But rollbacks are not OK. That’s just infuriating.

I can’t help but agree with everything he was saying, but that’s based on what he was showing and what I’ve read. I think it’s ill-conceived. It has potential though, and could become something cool at some point, maybe. There are some things I like, such as leveling up and getting perk cards to pick from or however that works, that seems fun. Lots of weapons and mods and cool junk to loot, sure that’s alright of course. The bubblegum that came in a pack of Perk cards was oddly endearing, with the funny little gag in there. But the actual gameplay left me sort of cold and the technical issues would be frustrating, especially after coming off of Pathfinder and not being able to wrap that up due to technical issues. I don’t think I’m ready for an experience like that just yet.

If they polish the experience, improve framerates, their server infrastructure, and other technical issues, remove all the survival crap where you need to cook and eat food and garbage like that, allow solo play with zero other PCs in your instanced world, and add NPCs with factions and story-rich faction questlines into the game, I’ll buy it.

So you’re saying there’s a chance!

Again, kid and I played 3 hours yesterday. Started a new character…seemed to be more enemies closer to the start area…that was good…a little more danger. We both like it, will play off and on to get higher levels and power armor…not something I would pick over RDD or AC:O but it’s fun with the kid.

I can’t believe how bad those graphics are nowadays. In the world of AC:Odyssey, Witcher 3, and RDR, that just isn’t going to work

Framerates to me seem solid, but the problem is you need to go make an .ini tweak. Until I did that, it was seriously a slideshow. I think it had something to do with a high refresh rate monitor, but that’s not exactly unheard of among gamers.

I just want the opportunity to play on a private server and I think I will like this game a fair amount. Granted, the maps are sparsely populated, but I just don’t like sharing my leisure time with random idiots. I’ve run into a few people in FO76 so far and none of them have been hostile, but I know very well that is going to change. Two people I did run into sounded like a dad and a youngish kid (you can hear them nearby when they’re using voice chat in-game). That was actually kind of adorable, as the kid was super excited to see another player. That was followed by some serious worry that I was going to shoot him. All of this was expressed to his dad and I’m sure he had no idea I could hear their conversation. They then trundled off down the road and I heard him shout “I found a FRAGMENTATION GRENADE!!!” as they faded off into the distance.

In any case, there’s story in the game for people who give a shit about that kind of thing (disclaimer: I give negative fucks for story). There’s a lot of audio logs around the ruins that gives a pretty good narrative for things before or shortly after the nukes. There’s isn’t much in the way of “How do I respond to this NPC?” stuff, but that was all paper thin in Fallout 4 anyway.

If anyone enjoyed the open world roaming and exploration in Fallout 4, I feel like that is pretty well done here.

My problem is I find the perks super boring. This is pretty common among almost all games from AAA studios, though, so YMMV. And admittedly, I’m only L8. They might get more interesting at higher levels.

This piece of shit game’s existence (yes, I am not a fan) is redeemed by the comments it spawned under that review:

Is like they took everything wrong with Fallout 4 and decided to make a game out of it.

Watching this game engine try to do and run everything that Bethesda is forcing it to do, is like watching an old person being tasered to get them to dance. Sure it works on some level, even mildly entertaining, but painful to watch.

I can believe it, they weren’t super exciting in Fallout 4.

Did I mention how fucking dumb it is (to me) that you can just do Crit whenever you want, and Luck determines how fast a meter fills up? It feels like Bethesda more and more just doesn’t understand what’s cool about this kind of RPG, and they keep trying to rope in the Call of Duty crowd. Sigh.

I’m not familiar with the crit system, but ignoring what it is called, how is that functionally different than any other big charge up or cooldown attack in RPGs?

You still get “crits” when hitting the head and things like bonus sneak attack damage, etc.

I never liked the crit meter stuff. It was stupid in F4 too, although very far down on my list of what I disliked about that game.

Thing about perks in F76 is you can get a ton of them, but only equip a limited number at a time. If it’s designed right, and I don’t know if it is or not, at low levels you fill out all the baseline necessary stuff, offering common abilities and utility. Then at high level you see more situational perks that you can equip when needed, or to try out weird builds. Not more powerful, more situational. That’s how it should be done, anyway.

In traditional Fallout you’d score a crit randomly, determined by things like where you the target (e.g. the eye or the leg) and your LUCK stat, as well as some other factors like the type of weapon and/or ammo you were using. In Fallout 4 they just decided to have a meter that fills up, and when it’s full you can initiate a Critical Hit on a target. There is no other way to score a crit, it’s use the filled meter or don’t score crits, even with headshots. At least that’s how it worked last time I played (Fallout 4).

Yeah calling this 4.5 years after 4 came out with no major leap in gfx or gameplay pretty much IS a downgrade for me with its always online requirement.

I am having a lot of fun with this game. I like fallout and more fallout is always good. I happens to enjoy exploring a death world and finding what happpened.