Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

You do have to use power cells…but I’ve found 3 so far and they will probably be more numerous than in F4.

We fired the first shot but only 1…he did not have to fire back…it was a challenge and he accepted…not our fault!!!

Oh this is not on Steam? Might be a pass for me then.

Also the whole voluntary PVP is a bit of a PITA because I remember how in the Division people would just run across your field of fire so you would hit them.

Hmm, in my experience so far, when I didn’t fire back the person firing at me became wanted simply by firing at me. Now, it might have taken more than one shot, but so far it seems that whoever fires first becomes wanted. I’m sort of confused as to how someone firing back at someone who fired first could become wanted, unless both sides become wanted.

Some bugs all tossed into 1 youtube compilation.

Watch it for the lulz.

To some extent, the complexity of games today, with the complexity of the platforms, the diversity of the player base, and the expectations of a generation now that has been raised on games and the Internet, makes it nearly impossible to send out a near-perfect title, no matter the resources thrown at it. Granted, there are some games that come out in much better shape than others, and there are studios that do a better job at this than others. But I think it is unreasonable to expect a modern multiplayer complex game to be bug-free or nearly bug-free at launch. Hell, I imagine some bugs will never be fixed.

Doesn’t mean they aren’t funny, or that a publisher/developer gets a free pass, but sometimes I feel people are expecting too much, given the nature of the product. I haven’t watched this particular video, though, so these comments are not about that, per se.

So I’m level 16 now and my personal stash is at max capacity and I’m constantly encumbered because I have nowhere to store stuff anymore, not even my salvaged components for building/modding/etc.

Apparently the reason for the one small stash is due to technical limitations but Bethesda claims to have a solution coming “in a few weeks”…which is ridiculous since exploring and looting is like 90% of the core game and it’s just not practical once the stash is full and you’re encumbered. Being encumbered means no fast travel and your AP drains even when you walk. Sigh…

Im also getting a bit tired of being encumbered all the time…slows down the fun exploring aspects quite a bit.

And maybe I did not hit that guy I shot at as he turned wanted after shooting me back. That’s a nice tactic.

Fallout 76 have a interesting take at hybridicing multiplayer and singleplayer.

Like. You know in multiplayer games you can’t do a event where a whole city is under attack by a dragon. But in a instance with only 20 players, these things are possible. Or nuke a whole city.

The world is filled with monsters of your level. So if a level 20 and a level 40 walk in a new area, they will fight monsters level 40. It will be fun for both players (but challenging for the level 20, of course).

I am level 42, poopshocked this game hard. And I saw moments where this particular design broke the wall that mmos usually have and restrict what mmos can do.

Preach on, brother. I hit the limit on the stash at like level 8. And even though my carry limit is like 190 at the moment, I’m going to have to drop several weapons and limit my meds/food & drink if I want to not be encumbered all the time. There’s this push to harvest everything, because you always need everything, but then doing so is ruthlessly punished by the game tech. I really wish you could have multiple stash boxes, or just make the one bottomless, for goodness sakes.

So, uh - is there any point in playing this game if you’re not playing with friends?

I’m mentally imagining a Destiny 2-like experience, which still sounds a bit intriguing.

If you liked the exploration and wandering around part of Fallout 4, it’s more of that.

Ok, so I just discovered I had about 60 lbs of Pre-war Money in my Stash! Like Fallout 4, it is considered “junk” so when you do a quick transfer of all your junk (before scrapping) the money goes along with it. I just pulled it out all of the stash and scrapped it into Raw Cloth and then crafted it into Cloth Bundles which apparently sell pretty well at a vendor bot. Whew, I can play again… :)

Also, make use of the “Bulk” crafting, where you can combine bunches of components with some plastic to make bulk units that weigh less. Helps some.

How do you enter a session with someone else? Do you both just log in and then “join” from friend menu?

I like how this game do explosions

Kill a wendigo while wearing a clown costume.

Yeah, pretty simple. Friend them under Social menu and then you’ll be able to join their session, or vice versa.

Gamestop will be selling F76 for $40 starting on Wednesday 11/21 at 8PM.

I would probably bite at fifteen bucks.

Record TTBB (Time To Bargain Bin)?

7 full days of release. ;)

I have a question and I looked briefly for an answer and am still not sure. Let’s say you go onto a server solo (23 other people I take it): Are those other 23 strange people going to be there everyday? Same people? They’ll end up being less stranger after awhile I guess if so. What ends up being persistent if that is not the case? And what about your home?