Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

This probably doesn’t warrant a new thread, but here is what I just saw and thought it was worth sharing.

Seems like Amazon has a place holder listing for a game that looks like it will be Fallout-related in some way, coming later 2019, with a standard and deluxe SKU. Theories range from a new Fallout game to a remaster of something like Fallout 3 or New Vegas. I personally don’t see them remastering a game and then having a Deluxe version, and while I feel a New Vegas remaster would be pretty amazing, I can’t see it happening.

But, it’s fun to speculate. And if we do get some sort of single player, class (Bethesda classic, not OG classic) Fallout game, I’m certainly going to take a look at it (as opposed to Fallout 76, which I have as much interest in as Apex Legend, Anthem, or DoTA 2 - which is to say, I get the appeal, and they look cool, but it’s just not something I’ve ever had success getting into).

Perhaps Fallout 76 , OFFLINE

Fallout 76 GOTY Edition

Fallout 76: GOAT

I hear you, but really, the game plays exactly like FO 4. The other people in the world are pretty much non-entities for 99.9% of the time. No, there are not “human” NPCs, but there are so many damn robots, holotapes, memos, etc. around that at least for me after a while the lack of traditional NPCs doesn’t bug me at all. But the game has nothing in common with things like Anthem or DOTA, I mean, nil, zip, nada.

People will hate on the game, its dead jim. Bethesda is now shit. Bioware is now shit. Acitivision Blizzard has been shit for a long time. UBisoft barely scraping by. Just play on phones and some battle royale… thats whats big now.

Wow, somebody has a case of the Mondays.

I’m finding the game plays well as a single player RPG. So far I’m not missing the NPCs. I’m finding the story about the Responders engaging even though its delivered in notes and holotapes mostly. The exploration is fun. I’m finding interesting things like the cabin of a serial killer which as far as I know isn’t part of any quests.

When I’m around other PCs…it sort of reminds me of a sparsely populated MMO. The group events have been fun. I did get killed by someone immediately on logon. I previously pick the lock of something in a workshop belonging to a player…didn’t know what I was doing. I decided to relog to see if that cleared my PvP flag but no such luck.

To clear your “Wanted” tag, just make sure you have no junk in your inventory (literally, stuff that shows up under the “Junk” tab), and then just go to some place like a station where people usually congregate, and wait until someone kills you. Or go up to them and slap 'em or something. Once a player kills you (and with no junk in your inventory, you lose nothing), you will no longer be wanted.

Yeah, the whole PvP system is sort of wonky, for a lot of reasons.

Yep, no reason for this to be multiplayer or online at all.

I just got two 500 atom credits and assurances my two canvas bags are still otw (I bought CE for me and nephew)

This is a Game Infarcer original, and of course, a joke, but boy do I wish it was real.

Man, I was so excited when I first thought that said Wild Alpaca.

Me either. With a gun.

They have been gradually fixing a ton of bugs and other annoyances like stash and CAMP limits, but the single biggest flaw in the game IMO is one that will be very hard to overcome: the endgame. It sucks, IMO. The slog through a missile silo to launch a nuke, followed by the slog through irradiated high-level mobs in packs, eats up ammo and is tedious. And it’s very hard to do solo, and the game is terrible at facilitating group play.

I know we had a discussion about sales figures when they were announced, especially in comparison to Fallout 4. And there was speculation about how much physical copies represents compared to digital purchases since then. So I found this article interesting:

Unlike Fallout 76, The Division 2 has been well-received from what I have see, but it still has seen only 20% of the (physical) sales of the first one.

I don’t know about more casual gamers, but I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the titles that have come out in the last two months, especially shooters. While my own opinion isn’t reflective of gamers as a whole, I can’t help but wish the release schedules for all these games had been spread out more. One way they could have done this is actually finish shit like FO76 and Anthem before shitting them into the market at the same time actual good games were being released. And I feel like people are feeling a bit burned by AAA shooters right now and they might be holding off to see what other shoe might drop after being burned recently.

Oh great… Fallout 76… good to hear.