Fallout 76 - Multiplayer, online, BGS Austin

I might actually give Fallout 76 a try when this happens, after a hefty discount at least.

I know I’m the guy shouting into the hurricane (along with @TheWombat), but I think the game is significantly better than the bad rap it’s gotten. That doesn’t mean that the criticisms don’t have merit, they just don’t overshadow the whole experience for me.

I found the game to be more Fallout 4 with a new map and really great environment storytelling that I could share with a friend. That ain’t bad, in my book.


You know by the time they bring Fallout '76 to stream I might actually want to play it. Hmm does that announcement look a little like an anti-epic thing?

I would pay ten bucks for F76. That’s my cutoff. Just because it’s Fallout-ish.

I’ve said $15. But now that it will be on Steam I’ll go for $5 on sale. It will happen.

This is the thorny issue with survival mode, at least for now: you can bring your existing characters over from adventure mode, so players at level 100, 200, 400, and beyond are hopping into survival mode where they’ll meet lower level characters just starting out. It’s not like a high level means you’re safe from low level characters—it doesn’t at all. I killed a player about 30 levels higher and one about 40 higher. It can be done.

But the issue is at a high levels you’ll have deadlier weapons and better gear and you’ll enjoy a supreme advantage. Just having more caps to fast-travel with and more aid items to heal yourself will give you a massive edge. I was killed by a level 216 player, and I really didn’t feel like I had much of a chance against him. Of course, I shot first, so that’s probably on me. But there’s still going to be issues when living gods can mingle with fragile newborns.

Without reading the story, I don’t know what ‘going ham’ means in any context. Are they being slaughtered and turned into store-bought pig meat?

“HAM” is an acronym for “Hard As a Motherfucker”

Going nuts. Crazy violent.

I believe it is trying to eat all of this in 1 sitting.

I paid $20 to get into this a month ago. Well worth my money. I’m enjoying it far more than I expected. I haven’t tried the survival beta yet. It seems to be misnamed. It’s just PVP…not a Fallout survival experience in my mind.

Remember, too, the Survival/PvP mode is a beta; it’s pretty clear that if you opt in it’s a giant case of caveat emptor. At first I was appalled by them letting in existing characters, especially the jumping back and forth between modes, but I suspect now that this is part of the testing, to figure out how to structure this mode so that you get a balance of risk and reward. I think going forward they will try to implement ways to incentivize you to go after people at or above your level more. But really, given how few people are actually on a server, how big the world is, and the fact that in Survival your dot doesn’t show up on the map, generally, I suspect it might end up being kind of nifty.

There we go. Repair kits going on sale for real money.

Thank you for clarifying that kallidain.

I do plan on picking this up when it goes to steam. Maybe by then it will be a solid thing. Though by the looks of it it would seem like it isn’t too bad atm,

This reminds me that I participated in the Fautstshcsday thing and it was a lot of fun. I’ve pretty much played solo so it was cool to see a dozen people gadding about and shooting glowing radtoads. I barely had to do anything, actually. So, I just took off my clothes and snapped a bunch of photos. Good times.

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I will see all of that when it hits steam.

The in-game shop repair kit update is now live.

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve examined all the feedback and today we want to share our thinking when it comes to these types of items and how they relate to the Atomic Shop. When we originally announced the Atomic Shop last year, we said that it will not provide anything that offers a competitive advantage. We remain committed to that statement and take it into account when we evaluate every new item that we bring to the Shop, both now and in the future.

While Repair Kits do offer a way to fix an item in the field, we feel you will find that they are a convenient option you can utilize during your adventures. If we find that Repair Kits do offer any sort of competitive advantage once they are available, we will make any changes necessary to ensure that advantage is removed.

Aside from purchasing Atoms, you can also unlock Basic Repair Kits using Atoms you’ve earned from Challenges. Additionally, the more powerful Improved Repair Kits will not be available in the Shop and can be earned by completing in-game content, like killing the Scorchbeast Queen.

The salt on Reddit about this is delicious.

“Cosmetic items only” is becoming as cliche as “the check is in the mail” or “I won’t come in your mouth”.

While I don’t disagree that Bethesda/Zenimax’s actions here are far from laudable, to say the least, I do find it a tad funny that people are speaking of “competitive advantage” in a game that, as far as I can tell, not only doesn’t have that many players, but also doesn’t exactly have a vibrant competitive PvP scene anyhow.

Because this game isn’t on Steam, I often forget it even exists.